Friday 30 December 2016

Loose Biscuits

Back in my hometown in the mid-twentieth century we didn't have supermarkets and not everything was as neatly packaged as it is today. Biscuits for example: You could buy a packet of biscuits if that was what you wanted, but you could also buy "loose" biscuits.

You see, as well as the pre-packaged biscuits, the grocer also had biscuits delivered to his store in big tins and he would sell them loose. 

The customer would ask for, "Half-a-pound of loose biscuits please," and the grocer would grab a handful from the tin and weigh them on the scales before tipping them into a brown paper bag and handing them to the customer.

The good thing about buying "loose" is that if you were short of money you could buy a very small amount. Pre-packaged biscuits might cost two shillings for an eight ounce packet, but if you had only one shilling you could buy four ounces loose.

It was the same with liquids like kerosene and methylated spirits which the grocer would have delivered in a twelve gallon drum. A customer could pay top price for a pre-packaged quart bottle of kero or metho, but if they were short of cash they could bring in their own smaller bottle and the grocer would fill it up from the twelve gallon drum; even half fill it if you were really short of cash.

So one day I was sitting in the park having my lunch and on the bench next to me a couple of hoboes were sharing a bottle of methylated spirits (White Lady as they called it in those days). They were bemoaning the fact that many shop-keepers wouldn't sell metho to the hoboes because they realised that the hoboes were going to drink it. "You have to careful when you ask for it," one of the hoboes said.

"Not if you go to that grocer up in Johnson Street," said the other hobo. "He's good - He sells it loose."

Tuesday 27 December 2016


Many years ago I worked with a young guy named Kevin in a factory where we made printed circuit boards. Kevin had just joined the union and considered himself quite the activist. He was constantly checking the 'industrial award' (which listed our pay and conditions entitlements) to make sure our employer wasn't cheating us.

One day he discovered that whenever we worked more than two hours overtime, we were entitled to receive $1.50 "tea money" to help defray the cost of any snack we might decide to buy on the way home after such a long work-day.

The company hadn't been paying us the tea money so young Kevin confronted the bosses and demanded that everyone should receive the appropriate back-pay.

When he started boasting to me about it, I pointed out that it was a relatively small amount of cash and the company (like us workers) hadn't even realised that tea money should be paid. It might be better, I told him, not to kick up too much of a fuss over such a piddling detail. Maybe work out some compromise agreement that would be less troublesome for the company. Kevin told me I was 'piss weak' for not having the courage to stand up for myself.

So he persisted with his claim and now the company was legally required to go back through the wages books for the last seven years; check out who had worked overtime and calculate how much tea money they should be paid. It was a huge job and most of the office staff were involved in it. The records were stored up in the rafters under the roof and the office girls had to clamber up a ladder to get at them. Then they had to go through each file, page by page, entry by entry, checking to see if overtime had been worked. The whole job took about six weeks! [This was in the days before offices were computerised.]

Eventually we all got our back-pay (mine was about $30.00) and Kevin positively glowed as he strutted about the factory enjoying the accolades of the other workers who praised him for his brave stand against the bosses.

A few weeks later he dropped a tray full of printed circuit boards on the floor. It wasn't an unusual occurrence. Accidents like that would happen from time to time but we would carefully check each board for scratches and usually most of them could be saved. This time however, the foreman lamented that the boards were probably ruined and they would have to be thrown into the garbage. The foreman also declared that he was unable to put up with such ineptitude and sacked the young man on the spot.

Kevin felt he was being unfairly dismissed and demanded that a union representative should be called in to negotiate on his behalf. The bosses were only too happy to comply. They took him into the board room; allowed him to call up the union office, and gave him a cup of coffee while they waited for the rep to arrive. Kevin was utterly convinced that he was in the box seat and that he was in control of the situation.

The union rep was of the opinion that perhaps the company had been a little too hasty in sacking young Kevin and maybe they should re-hire him with no loss of entitlements - and that's when management pounced: 
Oh no, you misunderstand. Management hasn't sacked the young man for that single incident. Management has sacked him because he is one of the most useless workers in the factory.
What Kevin didn't know was that a foreman had been assigned to keep him under surreptitious surveillance and maintain a diary of everything he had done (and not done) since the tea-money incident.

Every time he snuck outside for a cigarette. Every time he stopped working his machine to talk to the guy next to him. Every time he forgot to wear his safety glasses. Every time he scratched his arse. Every time he did anything at all; the details were recorded in the diary.

The union rep read through the diary and finally told young Kevin, "It looks like they've got you by the balls, son. I don't think I can help you on this one."

Kevin was immediately escorted off the premises.

We never saw him again.

Friday 23 December 2016

Religious Justice

Islamic State savages BURN two Turkish fighters ALIVE

ISIS Burns 4 Men Alive in Front of Their Parents

There was another religious group that also used to publicly burn alive anyone who annoyed them. Who was it again? Oh, that's right, the Christians. They kept the fires going for 600 years during their ever so holy, god inspired, Inquisitions.

Actually there was a reason why the Christians kept on murdering people for hundreds and hundreds of years - they were making a fortune from the enterprise. On May 15th, 1252, Pope Innocent IV issued a papal bull (Ad extirpanda) which allowed the church to confiscate money and property from anyone found guilty of heresy.
3. ...whoever shall find the heretical man or woman shall boldly seize, with impunity, all his or their goods, and freely carry them off, to belong to the remover with full right...

Monday 19 December 2016

A Christmas Miracle

People have been leaving comments like this:
21000 people died today of starvation, but our car started so God is great and cares about all the things

So your God can start a truck with prayer, but won't prevent kids from getting cancer or from being raped?  

Aleppo has so many dead men, women, and children that there is literally no where to put the bodies, and you think an omnipotent God started your truck. If God is real, he needs to check his priorities. You should too...

Maybe the big fella can send a bus or two thousand to evacuate all those children from Aleppo - being that he's so big and all. Reckon that would be a priority over ferrying your lot around to look at inflatable snowmen and fairy lights. It's almost as if he doesn't exist. Or doesn't care. You decide.

Wow, maybe you people should go to the local ER and command in Jesus name for people not to die since all of the hard work from doctors and nurses won't do Jack.

Why don't you take that act to the neo-natal cancer ward and try it there. If prayer worked, why would we need a hospital anyway

I guess getting your bus started is More Important than Ending World Hunger or World Peace.

My friend John Rahn is asking for prayers that his amputated leg grow back. I'll keep you updated on his progress. Thank you so much.  

If only he had time to cure cancer, solve world hunger, and end all wars. He must be too busy helping to make sure some idiot's chuch bus starts. Freaking morons!

Friday 16 December 2016

No Bibles In The Hotel - Triumph or Tragedy?

Dr Alex McFarland is a travelling preacher who stays in well over 100 hotels every year and he's noticed something...
Fox News and others have reported that according to the study from the hospitality analytics group STR, the percentage of hotels that offer religious materials in rooms has dropped by almost half in the last decade—from 95 percent in 2006 to just 48 percent this year.

"What a sad reality," McFarland said, "especially when our world so desperately needs hope. And where better to find hope than in the Word of God? Which does more harm—potentially offending someone who rented a hotel room, or depriving another person of an avenue to truth that could rescue that individual from a very dark place and help save a life? I’ve heard personal accounts of people who were about to take their own lives only to find a Bible in a hotel room drawer and take it as a sign to keep on living.

I have a feeling that last sentence is complete and utter bullshit. I doubt McFarland has ever heard a "personal anecdote" from a potential suicide who was saved when he saw a bible in a hotel room.

As for his complaint about the lack of bibles in hotel rooms, if McFarland had only bothered to consult his own copy of the holy scriptures, he would know that the hotel owners are actually doing god's work when they refuse to make bibles available to their guests. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 clearly states that if the bible is hidden then it is being hidden for a good reason - to ensure that unbelievers never get a chance to redeem themselves:
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 (KJV)

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Rob Sherman (spokesman for American Atheists)

Rob Sherman, national spokesman for American Atheists, died in a plane crash on November 9th, 2016.

After reports of the accident were published on-line, the following comments were received:

  • may God bless him and his family.
  • Sherman had every chance to "get right with God" - and blew it. It's people like him that are responsible for the decline of America over the past half-century or so.
  • I believe he got what he deserved..he was nothing but a trouble maker like all these atheists are
  • Bet he isn't an atheist any longer. Just say'n.
  • wonder if he believes in God now !
  • Hopefully God has mercy on his soul- it would be terrifying to kneel before the one you set out to erase.
  • I dunno, but his last words were: "__________________"
  • "Heeeeeelp meeeee Jeeeesssuuuuss"
  • Falling out of the sky can make a man religious real fast.
  • LOL Exactly.
  • God laughed as this faithless soul perished
  • No loss
  • He certainly didn't have GOD guiding his flight. Oops

And these from the comments section of the Chicago Tribune:

  • Bet you his last words were "god help me"....
  • good riddence
  • Now he knows he was wrong all along. To bad it's to late for him.
  • There's not shame in being happy that he's gone.
  • God rest his soul. ....oh....wait......NVR MIND
  • He is in a much WARMER place.

And this one which has since been deleted:

  • Great news!!… this clown was one of the biggest losers ever… everything he did was done to get attention…. he was a failure in every thing he did and this fiery death proves it…… wonderful!!

I'm wondering if those comments were made by atheists or Christians? What do you think?

Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Twelve Apostles - And More!

This is a very long post. I don't expect anyone will ever read it, but I just wanted to get it onto the record.

What are the names of the twelve apostles? 

First we need to work out what is meant by the terms "disciple" and "apostle". Matthew, for example, seems to be unaware of any difference when he says "Jesus called his twelve disciples together" and in the very next sentence he adds "These are the names of the twelve apostles." He seems to be talking about the same twelve men. [Matthew 10:1-4

Luke, on the other hand, is well aware of the difference when he writes, "Jesus...called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he named apostles." [Luke 6:12-16]

But then we turn to the gospel of John and discover that the word "apostle" is never used. John always refers to the twelve "disciples", never the twelve "apostles". It was the disciples who witnessed the first miracle at the wedding in Cana. It was the disciples who ate the last supper with Jesus. It was the disciples to whom Jesus gave the miraculous catch of fish after his resurrection. If we read only the gospel of John, we wouldn't even know what an apostle was!

So here's how it works: Jesus had many followers called disciples and he chose twelve of them to be his assistants and they were known either as the "The Twelve", "The Disciples", or "The Apostles", depending on which gospel you are reading.

The bible mentions a large number of apostles including many who were selected by church members after Jesus had died. Men like Matthias, Paul and Barnabas for example. In this post we are considering only those apostles chosen by Jesus himself. The twelve apostles who became known as "The Twelve". Just one problem - there were fifteen of them!

Here’s a chart showing the names of the apostles as they appear in the New Testament:

These are the twelve commonly accepted apostles:
Andrew (son of Zebedee)
James (son of Zebedee)
James (son of Alphaeus)
Judas Iscariot
Simon the Zealot

But we are still left with:
  • Nathanael
  • Judas (the son of James)
  • Levi

Let's start with Nathanael --- at the Key Way website Wayne Blank says,
Bartholomew and Nathanael are recorded in the listings of the twelve apostles, but never together. In Matthew, Mark and Luke, Bartholomew is listed as one of the twelve, but Nathanael is not. Conversely, in John, Nathanael is listed, but Bartholomew is not. From that, many logically assume that Bartholomew and Nathanael were actually the same man who was known by two names.
He says "many logically assume" that Nathanael and Bartholomew are two names for the one man, and since I was keen to discover what sort of "logic" they were using, I turned to some of the online Bible Commentaries for information. I need hardly have bothered; they've got nothing (my comments in red):
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers 
Nathanael is ... probably to be identified with the “Bartholomew” of the earlier Gospels. 
The key word is "probably" - so no evidence.
Benson Commentary 
Another was Nathanael ... Some, however, think he was the same with Bartholomew, one of the twelve. 
The key words are "Some, however, think" - so no evidence.
John Lightfoot's Commentary On The Gospels 
Nathanael (who seems to be the same with Bartholomew) 
The key words are "seems to be" - so no evidence
In the chart (above) I have colour coded the slots for Nathanael and Bartholomew so you can easily see what the Christian Apologists have done. Without a scrap of evidence to back them up, they have simply moved Nathanael's name from the bottom of the list, up to another slot which lies adjacent to Bartholomew's name on the chart and casually renamed him Nathanael Bartholomew.

The apologists think they have reduced the number of apostles by one, but they don't have any evidence for that claim; just wishful thinking (seems to be...some think...probably). In reality the count remains unchanged. We still have fifteen apostles listed in the New Testament.

Next we shall consider Judas, the son of James (who is called Judas, the brother of James, in some versions of the New Testament).

Some apologists say that the name "Judas" was tarnished by Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus) and therefore Matthew and Mark tried to distance him from the betrayer by renaming him Thaddaeus.

Other apologists don't even bother with an explanation, they simply claim that Thaddaeus was actually Judas the son of James - and that's the end of that! Here's an example: 
The name Thaddaeus appears in the list of Apostles given in Matthew 10:3, between James, son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot. In Mark 3:18, the name Thaddaeus appears, again, in the same placement. In Acts 1:13, however, a man named Judas, son of James, is listed below Simon. And in Luke 6:16, Judas (son of James), is listed again among the 12 Apostles, between Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. In John 14:22, there is a reference to Judas (not Iscariot) who spoke to Jesus. The two names, however, never appear in the same book, lending credence to the belief that they both refer to the same person.
"The two names ... never appear in the same book". How the hell does that "lend credence" to the claim that Judas and Thaddaeus were one and the same? 
And I thought this was rather cute:
The first Judas, son of James, was also called Thaddeus in the book of Mark. It was common for the disciples to have multiple names ... As a young boy I had two names: my real name and a nick name. Multiple names are common.
The apologist had a nickname as a child - so why couldn't Judas have been nicknamed Thaddaeus? Biblical scholarship at its finest.
In the chart (above) I have colour coded the slots for Thaddaeus and Judas so you can easily see what the Christian Apologists have done. Without a scrap of evidence to back them up, they have simply moved Judas' name from the bottom of the list, up to another slot which lies adjacent to Thaddaeus' name on the chart and casually renamed him Judas Thaddaeus.

The apologists think they have reduced the number of apostles by one, but they don't have any evidence; just wishful thinking. In reality the count remains unchanged. We still have fifteen apostles listed in the New Testament.

Now we come to Levi...

At first glance it seems that the apologists might be onto something. If we read the gospels in the order in which they appear in the New Testament, we get the following story:
In Matthew's gospel a man named Matthew is described as a tax collector (or publican in the King James Version) and when Jesus calls him, Matthew follows. Then Matthew prepares a meal for Jesus and his friends. The Pharisees complain about the number of tax collectors at the house (tax collectors were outcasts in those days) but Jesus reminds them that he is not there to save respectable people, he's trying to save sinners and outcasts. (Matthew 9:9-13)

Then, in the very next chapter of the same gospel, we find a list of the twelve apostles and right there in among them all, we can see "Matthew the tax collector". (Matthew 10:3)
Obviously this apostle named Matthew the tax collector in chapter ten, is the same Matthew who was called to follow Jesus in chapter nine.

The next gospel in the New Testament was written by Mark and we find him telling the same story about a tax collector who followed Jesus - but this time the tax collector is named Levi. Apart from that name change, however, it's exactly the same story as told earlier in the gospel of Matthew:
Levi is a tax collector (or publican in the King James Version) who is called to follow Jesus. After the call, Levi invites Jesus to share a meal with him. The Pharisees complain about all the tax collectors at the house but Jesus explains "I have come to call not the righteous but sinners." (Mark 2:13-17)

Then, in the very next chapter of the same gospel, we find a list of the twelve apostles but there is no one named Levi. There is, however, an apostle named Matthew. (Mark 3:18)
There are so many similarities in these stories that it seems obvious that they are about the same man. Both gospel writers know that the tax collector's name is Matthew but it seems that Mark also knows that his second name is Levi.

It is no surprise then, that we find almost every Christian on the planet happily agreeing that Matthew and Levi are two names for the one man and so the list of fifteen named apostles has been reduced by one - or has it?

We have been reading the various stories as they currently appear in the New Testament, but the whole thing takes on a completely different look, if we read the gospels in the order in which they were actually written.

Mark was written in 70AD

Ten years later, in 80AD, Matthew decided to write an updated version of Mark's gospel. Matthew copied most of Mark's gospel word-for-word but he did make small alterations from time time. Matthew also added a lot of extra detail which Mark had not included in his own gospel - the story of the birth of Jesus for example.

Ten years later still, in 90AD, Luke brought out a new edition of the same basic gospel. Like Matthew before him, Luke copied most of Mark's gospel word-for-word, but he made some minor alterations along the way. He also added a lot of extra detail that had not been included in either Mark's gospel, or Matthew's. Luke also made some changes to to story of the birth of Jesus. For example, whereas Matthew said that Jesus was born circa 6BC during the reign of King Herod, Luke said Jesus was born during the time of the census organised by Quirinius in 6AD.

So let us now put the gospels into the order in which they were written - Mark, Matthew, Luke - and see what happens to the story of Matthew and Levi:

First of all Mark tells us (in 70AD) that a tax collector named Levi was called to follow Jesus. Later, when Levi invited Jesus to share a meal, the Pharisees complained about the number of tax collectors in the house and Jesus explained "I have come to call not the righteous but sinners." (Mark 2:13-17)

In the very next chapter we find Mark's list of apostles, but Levi is not among them. Levi seems to have disappeared into thin air. His name appears once in chapter two and that's the last we see of him. His name is never mentioned again.

We do have Matthew's name appearing on Mark's list of apostles but notice that the reference contains only Matthew's name and no other details; no mention of Matthew being a tax collector, so there is no connection between Matthew and Levi.

Remember that this was decades before any of the other gospels were written, so there is no way that anyone could have had gained even the slightest hint that Matthew was a tax collector. Levi was the tax collector, but, in Mark's gospel, he was not connected to Matthew in any way at all.


Next we have Matthew's gospel which was written about ten years after Mark's gospel first appeared. The author of this second gospel is copying Mark's gospel almost word-for-word and he notices the same thing that we just noticed - Levi is called to be an apostle in Mark's chapter two, but he is not listed as an apostle in chapter three!

And this is where we get our first hint that the gospels were not inspired by the Almighty God of Truth, but were written, instead, by people who were quite prepared to tell lies when it suited them to do so. In this case, the author of the second gospel casually deletes "Levi" from the story and replaces him with "Matthew". (see Matthew 9:9-13)

But the author of the gospel of Matthew didn't stop there. In the next chapter of his gospel, he dutifully copied down Mark's list of the twelve apostles but when he came to Matthew's name he compounded his original lie by adding the words "the tax collector".

For the last ten years the apostle Matthew had been nothing more than the apostle named "Matthew," but now, in this new gospel, the apostle Matthew has suddenly become "Matthew the tax collector".

This was brand new information that no Christian had ever heard before - which is not surprising since the author of the second gospel had only just made it up.

And he made it up so that the Matthew who replaced Levi in chapter nine could be more easily connected to the Matthew listed as an apostle in chapter ten. (They are both described as "tax collectors" so the connection seems obvious to the casual reader - just a shame that it is based on a lie and completely untrue.)


Luke's gospel came ten years later in about 90AD. He was aware of the lies that had been included in the gospel of Matthew and decided not to repeat them in his own gospel.

Instead he took inspiration from Mark and copied that gospel almost word-for-word. So once again we have Levi the tax collector being called by Jesus and then disappearing into thin air; never to be heard from again!

And in Luke's list of apostles we find Matthew's name but there is no mention that he was a tax collector.


Clearly there is no evidence to suggest that Levi was just another name for Matthew. In fact it would be impossible to connect the two names were it not for the blatant lies told by the author of the gospel of Matthew. And so the count remains unchanged - we still have fifteen named apostles in the New Testament; all of them vying to be included among The Twelve.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Jesus Invented Math

According to the Family Renewal website, Israel Wayne is,

  • a homeschool graduate
  • father of nine
  • passionate about teaching others to defend the Christian faith
  • an author of five books
  • regular author in several publications
  • writes about homeschooling and Christian Apologetics
  • a popular conference speaker
  • desires to see God's people learn to think and live Biblically
  • a regular keynote speaker at events nationwide
Here is what he has to say about mathematics:
Jesus didn’t merely create everything (including math) from His wisdom (Psalm 104:24, Proverbs 3:19): He holds it together and sustains it with His power. If Jesus were to release His sustaining power, even for a moment, our universe would fly apart in chaos. The only reason math works is that Jesus created it from His mind of order and precision ... When we study mathematics, we get a glimpse of the glory and superior majesty of our loving and infinite Creator God. Anyone can teach that 2 + 4 = 6, but only a born-again Christian can accurately teach why. The existence of mathematics is one of the strongest evidences for the existence of God.

The sad thing is that mainstream Christians won't try to stop this sort of nonsense. Instead of warning others that Israel Wayne is a lying, cheating, charlatan, they will praise him instead - for the strength of his faith.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Shut-up Jesus. You're Talking Piffle.

Luke 14:12-14
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
“When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.  And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

That's another bible rule more honoured in the breach than the observance. 

Are you a Christian? 
When was the last time you gave a banquet for the poor?
Did you even know that's what you're supposed to do?

Did you notice anything about that text? Jesus is not telling his followers to feed the poor and the crippled because it is a nice thing to do. He knows his audience well and understands that they wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone unless the price is right - so he offers them a bribe: feed the 'untermensch' today and I'll let you join me in Paradise when you die.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

When Your Wife Is Unfaithful

The Lord God Almighty has a special rule that must be followed if a woman becomes pregnant and her husband doubts that he is the father. God says a priest should induce an abortion by mixing up a batch of bitter water containing dirt, dust, and ashes from a burnt scroll, and then he should force the woman to drink the mixture.
If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children. (Numbers 5:27-28) 
Imagine that. Modern Christians are almost always against abortions, yet the Lord and Master of the Universe, God Almighty himself, has declared that the only way to test the faithfulness of a pregnant woman is to induce an abortion!

You can read the whole story in Numbers 5:11-31 (New International Version)

Christians reading this blog: Can you remember the last time your heard this rule preached from the pulpit? I'll bet you can't. I'll bet you didn't even know it was in the bible.

Monday 28 November 2016

Biblical Astronomy

A creationist website says: 
As in all things, the Bible is absolutely correct when it teaches about the universe. 

Let's put that claim to the test...

The first reference to the universe appears in the first book of the Old Testament where we are told,
"God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars." (Genesis 1:16)
A 13 billion year old universe containing billions of galaxies and trillions of stars is casually dismissed with the words, "He also made the stars."

The last reference to the universe appears in the last book of the New Testament where we are told,
Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. (Rev 12:3-4)
Considering the vagueness of the first text and the utter stupidity of the last text, I think we can safely assume that any astronomical "truths" found among the intervening texts will be the result of mere coincidence; telling us nothing about the correctness of "biblical astronomy".

The creationist article goes on to say, 
Christians need to take back those fields of science, like astronomy, which have been hijacked by evolutionists in order to promote their secular worldview. 
I challenge any Christian to name even one evolutionist, anywhere in the world, at any time during the last 150 years, who has hijacked (or even attempted to hijack) fields of science like astronomy. This creationist website is fooling its Christian audience into believing a lie.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Fleecing The Flock

Fleecing the Flock
How to make money from religion
Hint and Tips for Budding Young Evangelists

Once you’ve got the flock organized, you have to convince them to give you their money. There’s no point in being cute about it - just tell them if they don’t hand over the cash, they will go straight to hell.
Benny Hinn: "Only those who have been giving to God's work will be spared."

When you’ve got their cash you can ease up on the threats and praise them for their generosity.
Benny Hinn: "The greatest thing you can do for your finances is to give to the work of God."

The tight-fisted in your congregation will need a little encouragement so tell them that their money will be returned ten-fold if they donate to the church.
Benny Hinn: "So expect a financial harvest but you have to sow a seed to see it happen... you may want to call your seed in today."

The plan will work because there is sure to be one or two members of the flock who will score some extra cash and they will publicly declare that what you say is true - it was a miracle of God:
Carlotta Moore: "Oh yes, you will get money back. You will get money back. Out of the clear blue sky, checks will come from somewhere. You go to put on a dress or something, or take out a pocketbook up there in the closet. There is $50 or $60 laying up in there. You'll be like, 'Woah, woah, woah. Thank you, Lord.'

You are in the business to make money, but you don’t want the flock to know exactly how much, so you take advantage of the “parsonage exemption”: A law dating back to 1954 (in the USA) which allows churches to give their pastors and ministers a tax-free allowance to help ease housing related expenses such as utility bills, repairs and yard work costs.
Source: http://www.christian...k-under-attack/

Over at Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral, the Chief Financial Officer (Fred Southard) claimed a salary of only $12,000 per year. That was the figure that appeared in the church wages book, but good old Fred was also collecting another $132,000 per year as a “housing allowance” (which didn’t show up in the wages book).
Source: http://www.ocregiste...t-southard.html

You will probably start your preaching career in a hired hall, but you should always push the idea that the congregation needs a church of its own. Wait until the parishioners have convinced themselves that it is all their own idea and then you can go into action – get a family member to buy a piece of real estate and have them sell it the church at a highly inflated price:
Pastor Michael Mille and his wife purchased a property in August of 2007 for $850,000. About three months later, they sold the property to their church, White Dove Fellowship for $1.2 million.
Source: (page 4)

And you don’t have to stop at one property, you can run the same routine as often as the flock will stand for it:
Also his Ministry purchased 24 properties ...  Mille personally purchased at least 11 of them and sold them to his Ministry or another foundation he operates.
Source: (page 4)

Remember too, that you can work the same scam in both directions: You could sell a property to the church for $1.9 million, buy it back again for a dollar – and then resell it on the open market. The profit potential is practically unlimited.
Anyone sifting through the public records of tangled real-estate transactions conducted by the Baptist Foundation of Arizona will soon begin asking questions:

What would possess a religious foundation to pass up the opportunity to acquire a $1.9 million office building for $1?

Why would that foundation turn around and option the same $1 building to a former board member?

Why would it then allow that same former director to use the building to collateralize millions of dollars in loans he already had received from the foundation?

There are no common-sense answers.
But that's business as usual at the Baptist Foundation of Arizona (BFA), a $368 million religious organization that claims devotion to charitable causes while handing out nearly $140 million in loans to insiders. BFA officials hide their deals behind a thicket of more than 60 subsidiary companies, some non-profit, some for-profit.
Source: http://www.phoenixne...nd-in-a-series/

As a preacher you are in constant touch with God Almighty, and the flock is always keen to hear about these heavenly messages, so you write the details in a book. A print run of 100,000 would probably be enough – and then you sell the whole lot at retail prices to the church (which uses money already donated by the parishioners to make the purchase). In other words, the donations go straight from the parishioners into your pocket – and it’s all strictly legal. The church might be able sell only five or six hundred copies at the regular price, but that’s OK because you’ve already been paid the full amount.

This book publishing scam not only gives you heaps of cash, but it can be used to silence your critics when they complain about your lavish lifestyle: You can show them your tiny salary in the wages book and explain that any extra cash comes from book-sales.
“As for his lifestyle, pastor Hinn has explained that some of the perks he has enjoyed like custom-made suits and expensive cars have been paid for by his personal income, including the royalties from his many books.

While that may be true and legal, it's only part of the story. According to the Trinity Foundation, the biggest customer for pastor Benny's books is pastor Benny's own ministry. Trinity says the Hinn ministry buys thousands of the books for which Hinn apparently collects the royalties.
The ministry then offers them for sale at crusades and on its Web site, and gives them away to donors.”

Gloria Copeland is another prolific author:
“Gloria has produced more than 70 teaching series covering a wide variety of issues. She is also the author of many best-selling books including God's Master Plan for Your Life, Hidden Treasures, Hearing From Heaven and Blessed Beyond Measure.”

If the cash flow slows down, you can always get things moving again with the claim that you are going to build an orphanage. The flock won’t hesitate to donate money to such a worthy cause and you’ll soon be rolling in it. But don’t do anything in the local area, where people can see what is (or isn’t) happening. Build it off-shore, away from the prying eyes of the flock.
“Since February of 2001, the Hinn Web site has been soliciting donations for a new orphanage to be built in this little town outside Mexico City saying it would be finished "soon."

But when we checked in Mexico, more than a year-and-a-half later, we could find no sign of any construction. But the Hinn web site kept promising that construction would be finished in, "a few short months."
That was news to the local official in charge of construction in the town, who told us the Hinn ministry hadn't even been issued a building permit yet.”

Of course, if the stakes are high enough, it might be worth trying something in the local area – a healing center perhaps. You’ll get caught out eventually, but it might take years – and even when things go wrong, you need never take the blame. You blame god instead! Just tell the flock that god has lost interest in the healing center and he wants you to buy a new yacht instead (for delivering bibles to the islands). Who is going to argue with the word of god? No-one in your flock, that's for sure.
And then there was pastor Benny's most ambitious project - his $25 million healing center to be built in Texas.

Benny Hinn: "And the Lord said to me to build a healing center that people can come to 24-hours a day, any day of the week to be prayed for and get healed."

That was Benny Hinn raising funds for the project in 1999, but this was Benny Hinn on a Christian telethon a year later: "Many of our wonderful friends have called and said, 'What's with the healing center?' and basically what the Lord has said to me is to wait for his voice."

Hinn announced that God had told him to postpone construction, so he said he was going to spend that money on other things.

Benny Hinn: "I am putting all the money we have in the ministry to get out there and preach."
Benny Hinn: "The day will come, I am in no hurry, neither is God. The day will come I will fulfill that vision."

If you are not as courageous as Hinn, you might prefer to start a charity that actually works. Install a member of your family as the CEO, and at the end of each year you can bundle up all the surplus cash and give it to the shill as a bonus for a job well done.
In Cornelius, a nonprofit set up to help people in debt paid its chief executive more than $5 million - nearly everything it had.

In Anson County, a charity that worked to keep troubled children in school paid its leader about $300,000 a year, roughly twice as much as the county superintendent of schools.

In Spartanburg, a nonprofit religious broadcaster paid its president and her husband nearly $800,000 - a third of the organization's budget.

On paper, federal law prohibits charities from awarding excessive compensation to their leaders.
But in practice, loopholes and understaffed regulators allow nonprofits to pay almost any salary, an Observer investigation found.
Source: http://www.dispatch....D6_NBG5V8F.html

But if you do start a charity, for God’s sake don’t use your own money to get it up and running. You are a minister of religion, a trusted member of society, and you can apply for a Government grant to cover start-up costs (and ongoing costs as well). Medicaid, for example, has millions of dollars available for any “reputable” person prepared to work with rebellious youth. All you have to do is hire a hall and encourage a few streeties to drop in and listen to bible stories every now and then. It costs practically nothing and the remainder of the grant goes straight into your pocket.
Rainbow Enhanced Academic Developers ( READ), a Wadesboro group which has counseled about 175 youths with behavior problems, in 2007 paid CEO Lawrence Elliott about $312,000. Since 2005, the group has received more than $10 million in Medicaid money.

Always be prepared for natural disasters. There’s quite a few of them each year and you should aim to get involved in at least one or two of the bigger ones each year. They’re handy because the flock don't get time to think: You call a special service in the church hall, put a worried look on your face as you describe the heart-wrenching scenes unfolding in the disaster area, and then beg the flock to give until it hurts – they always do.

Even better, because everything is happening so quickly, there is not enough time for people to get organized enough to keep track of where the money goes. In fact, you might as well keep it all for yourself? Nobody will know. And if the flock should later ask to see the results of their generosity, you can always blame the corrupt government in the disaster area. You can say the government officials got the money but didn’t distribute it to those in need.
On May 18th 2008, the Zhengzhou Municipal China Christian Council / Three Self Patriotic Movement (CCC/TSPM) designated the day as the Disaster Relief Day and collected donations from six churches to aid the disaster areas. Zhutun Church raised more than 57,670 yuan ($8,440 US) for disaster relief. However, Zhutun Church was not included along with other donors who were publicly announced by the city council on November 3rd 2008.
On November 3, 2008, Zhutun Church discovered that their relief donations were never sent to the disaster areas in Sichuan, but were still being held by the Zhengzhou CCC/TSPM. Zhutun Church reported this to relevant authorities, yet church members say that many months passed without a response.
Source: http://www.christian...9404511108.html

By the time you’ve got your ministry to this level, you will be able to afford a pretty good team of lawyers and you can start experimenting with ideas that take advantage of loopholes in the law. Money laundering perhaps:
The young receive free educations and the old get free geriatric care. Family businesses connect relatives in a web of interdependence to the furthest reaches of kinship. Wedding receptions with 1,000 guests are common. A Friday night Sabbath dinner with 40 people is the norm.
And that enveloping tradition among the Syrian Jewish communities of Brooklyn and New Jersey seemed to redouble the shock and outrage among their members Thursday after the arrests of five Sephardic rabbis in a New Jersey corruption investigation.
In a criminal complaint, the FBI said the rabbis used their congregations’ charitable organizations to launder about $3 million — passing what they were told was a donor’s ill-gotten gains through their charities’ bank accounts, and then returning the money to the donor in exchange for a cut of 5 to 10 percent
Source: http://www.nytimes.c...rabbi.html?_r=2

SAO PAULO — The founder of one of Brazil's biggest evangelical churches siphoned off billions of dollars in donations from his mostly poor followers to buy jewelry, TV stations and other businesses for himself, authorities charged Tuesday.

A Brazilian judge accepted charges from prosecutors alleging that Bishop Edir Macedo and nine other people linked to the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God committed fraud against the church itself and against its numerous followers.

Sao Paulo state's prosecutors office alleged in a statement that Macedo and the others took more than $2 billion in donations from 2003 to 2008 alone, but charged that the alleged scheme went back 10 years.
Prosecutors said the church tells its members it needs donations — cash, checks, cars and other goods — to finance new temples and to pay for religious programs on radio and TV.
The church allegedly used fake companies to launder the money, moving the assets abroad and then returning them in the form of loans used by Macedo and his accomplices to buy businesses, prosecutors said.

Italian authorities seized euro23 million ($30 million) from a Vatican bank account Tuesday and said they have begun investigating top officials of the Vatican bank in connection with a money-laundering probe.
That link is broken but you can find the same story here:

Ponzi schemes are definitely illegal, but they can last for years and you can make millions before the whole thing crumbles into dust. Just make sure you've got a well planned escape route when the time comes to run.
CHICAGO — A taxi driver turned prominent businessman in Chicago's South Asian community is among three people indicted for defrauding hundreds of Muslim investors out of $30 million, in part by promising that investments complied with Islamic law, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.

Salman Ibrahim, 37, who vanished in 2008 after allegedly persuading hundreds of Pakistani and Indian immigrants to contribute their savings and mortgage their homes to finance real estate deals, is believed to be abroad, possibly in his native Pakistan, the U.S. Attorney's Office in Chicago said.

The FBI is trying to locate him.

One alleged victim, Fazal Mahmood, said he lost more than $200,000, some of which he intended to use to put his two daughters through college.
"I will never trust anyone with my money again," the 54-year-old told The Associated Press. "I'm a Muslim and he's a Muslim. I was always taught ... a Muslim will never cheat another Muslim."
Source: http://www.usatoday....heme18_ST_N.htm

Always remember that you are not the only member of the church who can see the huge amounts of cash laying around. Your underlings may be Christians, but not many of them will be put off by a commandment reading “thou shalt not steal”. Whenever you give your co-workers access to the counting room, there is always a chance that they will give in to temptation and rob you blind:
A church treasurer who stole £70,000 to fund his stamp collection has been told to sell the hoard on eBay to repay his victims.
Judge Peter Jacobs agreed the deal at a hearing at Norwich crown court to confiscate the fraudster's assets, found to be the proceeds of crime.
However he warned that Klein, one of the UK's top five dealers of his kind, would be jailed if he tried to hide the proceeds or if he failed to raise enough cash.

A Chicago-area Roman Catholic priest was charged Friday with stealing from his former North Side parish.

Rev. Steven Patte, 64, pleaded not guilty in Cook County Circuit Judge William Lacy's courtroom to charges of theft, money laundering and other financial crimes.
The eight-count indictment charged Patte stole a little more than $12,000 from St. Ita's Parish in Edgewater between May 2004 and July 2005.
Source: http://articles.chic...oney-laundering

The former finance director of a historic downtown church has been charged with stealing more than $500,000 from the institution over six years, court records show.
Jason Todd Reynolds, 38, of Bowie was arrested last week on a wire fraud charge. He is accused of using the money to finance the purchases of luxury cars, trips and jewelry, U.S. Secret Service agent Melissa T. Blake said in court papers.

Reynolds worked for National City Christian Church from 2002 until the scheme was uncovered in 2008, the agent wrote. The finance director used the church's American Express card to make about $300,000 in personal purchases, including down payments for a Land Rover and Lexus SUV, according to the court papers.

He also purchased an $8,718 two-carat diamond ring and a $7,600 leather sectional sofa with the card, Blake alleged.
Blake also accused Reynolds of writing himself more than $200,000 in church checks over the years.
Source: http://www.washingto...9123002302.html

If you do lose control of your staff and they are getting their grubby little hands on the cash before you have a chance to grab it for yourself – well it might be time to declare bankruptcy. It’s a big step, but it can be quite profitable. All you have to do is walk into the counting room (so to speak), pick up all the loose cash you can find, and dole it out to yourself and your family as bonus payments for services rendered.
Financial documents filed Wednesday in the Crystal Cathedral bankruptcy case show generous compensation paid to insiders and family members of founding minister Robert H. Schuller in the year before the Garden Grove-based mega-church filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

During the same period, revenue plummeted, and church employees and vendors — from choral members to the livestock company that provided animals for its elaborate productions — were laid off or went without pay.
The church paid out more than $1.8 million to 23 insiders and members of Schuller's family in the 12 months leading up to the Oct. 18 bankruptcy filing, according to the financial statements. That sum included $832,490 in tax-exempt housing allowances given to eight people and payments to all five of Schuller's children and their spouses.
Source: http://www.latimes.c...0,2859529.story

Bankruptcy though, can be a complicated process and people will ask difficult questions so it might be easier to refill your wallet with the proceeds of insurance fraud:
WINDER - Two of the three men charged with torching New Life Deliverance Church in 2005 pleaded guilty Monday in Barrow County Superior Court.

Maurice Arnold, 25, the son of the church's former pastor, and 48-year-old Bruce Edward Smith of Monroe pleaded guilty to first-degree arson charges.

Prosecutors believe the Rev. Quincy Arnold, 50, of Lawrenceville, asked his son to burn down the Barrow County church in December 2005, and say Maurice Arnold hired Smith to help. All three were arrested last year.
Quincy Arnold denies having anything to do with the arson. He is expected to stand trial in October on charges of first-degree arson, insurance fraud, vandalizing a place of worship and conspiracy to commit a crime, District Attorney Brad Smith said Monday.
Source: http://www.onlineath...653770791.shtml

The good thing about insurance fraud is that you can play the part of the hapless victim, rebuild your church, and get right back to fleecing the flock. On top of that, you also get the chance to make even more cash on the side. Just get the contractors to submit inflated charges for the repair work. The insurance company pays the inflated price and you can split the excess with the contractor – everybody’s happy.
Church music director Carva White faced the music after launching an unholy plan to burn down his house of worship for an insurance payout.
White played hymns for the Sunflower Missionary Baptist Church in Leavenworth, Kan. He recruited the head pastor to help him torch the building, con insurers into paying for repairs, then try to obtain bribes from contractors who would submit inflated bills for rebuilding the burned-out church.
Source: http://www.claimsjou...8/23/112660.htm

And for those who are a little more adventurous, why not pick up some poor soul, insure his life for a few million dollars and then kill him !
BALTIMORE - Baltimore pastor Kevin Pushia plead guilty this week to conspiring to murder and scam a blind man in a insurance fraud scheme that led to the victim's death.

Pushia, a 34-year-old former pastor of a small church in East Baltimore, told police that he hired a man to kill 38-year-old Lemuel Wallace after taking out seven life insurance policies in Wallace's name and adding himself as the beneficiary.
Pushia also detailed his crimes to police saying that in February of 2009 he paid a hitman $50,000 for the murder..
Source: http://www.abc2news....-kill-blind-man
That link is broken but here is the same story as told in the Baltimore Sun:

So there you have it – all the information you need to fleece your flock - from some of the best in the business

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Prongorong Stud

I just remembered one of the first jobs I had before I went fruit-picking. I was working as a jackaroo on the Prongorong Cattle Stud (Polled Herefords). One of the cows had a name that I always found amusing:  

Prongorong Daisy Mae LXXXIII
Prongorong Daisy Mae The Eighty-Third.

John Keynes (right). Owner of the Prongorong Stud. He died while swimming at a beach in suburban Sydney a few years after this photo was taken.

Jim, I've just now (Dec 25, 2017) seen your comment below. I'm having problems with my blogger account and cannot leave comments on my own posts.

If you come back here, leave another comment and I'll respond by adding an edit to this post (because I can't reply in the comments section).

Sunday 30 October 2016

Tax Rebates

Throughout my working life, when it came time to fill out our tax returns, most of us could manage a rebate of only a few hundred dollars, but there would always be someone boasting about a rebate of two or three thousand dollars.

"What are you claiming on?" I would ask.
"Overalls for a start."
"What else?"
"Work boots."
"That's about $4.50 in rebates so far. What else?"
"Oh heaps of stuff."
"What sort of stuff?"
"All sorts."

And it would be about now that my workmate would decide I wasn't quite the sort of company he was looking for after all; and he would head down to the other end of the lunch room and talk to someone who was little less inquisitive.

During a working life of fifty years, I probably had that conversation about forty times - almost always with those exact words in that precise order. Lying factory workers don't have much imagination.

Saturday 29 October 2016

USA Voter Turnout

David Barton, a devout (and devious) Christian, is desperately encouraging his followers to vote for Donald Trump at this year's presidential election. He is claiming that there was a 100% voter turnout during the first 200 years in America, and now it is time for Christians to ensure that the same thing happens again in 2016. He says,
So, in our case, as Christians, we don't have a right to vote, we have a responsibility to vote ... And that’s why you will find that for the first 200 years after we started having votes in America, voter turnout in America was 100 percent.
It's all bullshit though. Voter turnout in America has never been close to 100%. It occasionally reaches 80% but it has also been as low as 6.3%. David Barton (devout and devious Christian) is once again "telling lies for Jesus".

Friday 28 October 2016

Interpreting Dreams

After leaving school I became an itinerant fruit-picker, following the crops from one end of the country to the next - apricots, grapes, olives, oranges, lemons, onions, potatoes, tomatoes - you name it, I picked it.

Being a dopey teenager I lived for the moment with not a thought for the future and spent my wages as soon as I earned them. I would hitch-hike into a town flat broke, and after two months hard work I would hitch-hike back out again - still flat broke!

Sub-consciously though, I must have been aware that I had chosen the wrong lifestyle because I had a recurring dream: I was on a train that was just pulling out of the station when I suddenly realised that I had caught the wrong train. I would rush to the door and start tossing all my belongings from the train, fully intending to jump out after them. But by the time I was ready to take the leap, the train was already going so fast that I dared not take the risk.

So now I was stuck on a train that was heading in the wrong direction with all my worldly goods scattered along the track-side with no hope of ever finding them again!

Not hard to interpret that dream is it?

Wednesday 26 October 2016

What Goes Around Comes Around

When the Christians gained political power in the 4th century AD they immediately set about destroying every other religion in the area. The Emperor passed laws which included the death penalty for worshipping at a pagan temple and the ordinary Christians (who had been taught to love their neighbours and forgive their enemies) were delighted with the new situation, taking great pleasure in vandalising pagan temples, tombs, and monuments - a bit like ISIS today.

One of Christianity's greatest heroes at the time - Firmicus Maternus - demanded even more gruesome punishments when he wrote,
"Paganism, most holy emperors, must be utterly destroyed and blotted out, and disciplined by the severest enactments of your edicts, lest the deadly delusion of the presumption continue to stain the Roman world
And he went on to say,
"How fortunate you are that God has reserved for you the destruction of idolatry and the ruin of profane temples."

Now, 1,600 years later, the Christians have forgotten their own despicable history and are complaining that they are not getting a fair go in Muslim countries:
Christianity May Still be Eradicated 
from Iraq, Even after ISIS is Defeated
Religious leaders have been vocalizing the threat ISIS poses to the survival of Christianity in the Middle East since ISIS rose to power, but even now that many places are being liberated from ISIS control, religious leaders say Christianity may still be eradicated.

Just last week, the Iraqi parliament banned the consumption and sale of alcohol--something which is forbidden for Muslims, and thus seemed to be targeting Christians who are its primary consumers and retailers.

Forbidden to sell alcohol. How awful for them. Will the torment never end?