Saturday 30 July 2016

Christians: What Do You Think Of This?

Christians what would you think of an atheist who said,

  • Do not rely on religion.
  • Religion opens the door to deception and brings much confusion.
  • Religion and confusion go together.
  • Religion is dangerous.

Oh, wait a minute, that wasn't an atheist talking about religion, it was a televangelist (Joyce Meyer) talking about reason. She said:

  • Do not rely on reasoning.
  • Reasoning opens the door for deception and brings much confusion.
  • Reasoning and confusion go together.
  • Reasoning is dangerous

You'll find more of that piffle talk on page 83 of her book, Battlefield of the Mind - and that's just one page. The whole book is 242 pages long.

Friday 29 July 2016

This Post Has Quantums In It

John Benneth blathers about homeopathy and how it works:
Atheists hate homeopathy because they worship science, and not knowing the science behind it they think the pharmacy is inert. They think the solute molecule disappears due to dilution, when in fact it is “quantumized,” ionized into plasma by dissociation into the diluent as a perpetuating entangled wave.
Now I don't want any of you hateful atheists sticking your bib in where it's not welcome. Instead I want the advocates of homeopathy to explain John Benneth's theory in words clear enough for everyone else to understand. You can rant and rave for hours and hours if you like, but when you finally run out of breath, I want to see clear answers to these questions:

(1) What does "quantumized" mean?

(2) What causes a molecule to become quantumized?

(3) What is the difference between ordinary and quantumized molecules?

(4) What is meant by the term, dissociation into the diluent?

(5) How is the molecule converted into a perpetuating entangled wave?

(6) What is the proof that the wave is perpetuating?

(7) What is the proof that the wave is entangled?

(8) With what is the wave entangled?

Sunday 24 July 2016

Chris Froome Wins Chemical Comparison Test

It was announced yesterday that Chris Froome won the famous French Chemical Comparison Test (aka the Tour De France).

No riders were ejected from the tour for failing drug tests this year, but that doesn't mean they weren't taking drugs, it just means they were also using additional masking drugs that fucked up the readings taken by the official drug testers.

For some strange reason the bike racers are still regarded as athletes even though terms like 'guinea pig' and 'laboratory rat' would be more appropriate.

Thursday 21 July 2016

What A Waste

Isaac Asimov once said,
"God is a three letter word meaning 'I don't know'."

Who made that? God did.
When did it happen? God only knows.

 How did it happen? God made it happen.

Letter to the editor of the Lexington Herald Leader
A June 17 Associated Press article reported on a NASA spacecraft bound for Jupiter to “study how the largest planet in the solar system was formed and evolved.”

My King James Bible, which all born-again Christians should be using, tells me in John 1:3 that “all things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

What a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Marvin McFaddin 

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Republican National Convention Day 2 (2016)

You'd think that Ben Carson (a brain surgeon no less) would be smarter than this. On the second day of the Republican National Convention (June 19, 2016) he was trying his hardest to denigrate a woman named Hillary Clinton and he came up with this idiotic rubbish. 

He said that when she was a student Hillary Clinton wrote a thesis about Saul Alinsky and Saul Alinsky once wrote a book where he said that Lucifer was a radical which means that ... Hillary Clinton is a radical who worships Lucifer !

American politics has come to this.

Original video here:

One of the things that I have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heroes, her mentors, was Saul Alinsky and her senior thesis was about Saul Alinsky.

This was someone that she greatly admired and that affected all of her philosophies, subsequently. Now interestingly enough, let me tell you something about Saul Alinsky. He wrote a book called Rules for Radicals. On the dedication page, it acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom.

Now think about that. This is a nation where our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our Creator. This is a nation where our Pledge of Allegiance says we are one nation “Under God.” This is a nation where every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says “In God We Trust.” So are we willing to elect someone as President who has as their role model, somebody who acknowledges Lucifer? Think about that!

Saturday 16 July 2016

All You Need Is Faith

This is how Christians talk to each other: 
revival fire is breaking out in American cities

The fire and glory in San Diego started during a January 2016 conference.

Miracles were happening quite easily

several cases of stage 4 cancer, birth defects and glaucoma healed.
Metal plates and pins surgically inserted into people's bodies dissolved 
deaf ears opened

a woman who had her breast removed in cancer surgery felt it growing back

There were atmospheric miracles of pain, bleeding and joints being healed
Other reports from the Seattle Revival Center include people suddenly finding gold crowns in their mouth 
there are photos to prove it

There are photos to prove it!

Adult human beings in the 21st century believe this shit!

Thursday 14 July 2016

Short Change Con

Short Change Con
Suppose the customer has offered a ten dollar note to pay for two dollars worth of goods. The clerk will slowly and deliberately count three dollars worth of coins onto the counter in front of the customer and surreptitiously slide a five dollar note onto the counter but a short distance away from the coins. Very often the customer will pick up the coins and leave the five dollar note behind (which the clerk then places into his own pocket). But if the customer complains that the change is five dollars short, the clerk innocently points to the note laying on the counter and says it was there all the time; nothing shonky going on at all.

Just recently I was stung by a store clerk who was operating a new version of the short change con:

I walked into the local shop and stood to the left of the cash register waiting to be served. I asked for a particular item and the clerk found it on the shelf behind him. He placed the item on the counter and rang up the sale on the cash register. I gave him my money; he handed me my change, and I left the shop.

It was only after I got home that I realized I had forgotten to pick up the item from the counter. I telephoned the store to see if they remembered me and still had the item on the counter, but "no", they didn't know what I was talking about. 

I replayed the scene in my mind and quickly figured out what had happened.

I was standing to the left of the cash register when the clerk took the item from the shelf, but instead of placing it on the counter in front of me, he placed it on the counter space to the right of the cash register where I couldn't see it. Then he turned back to me; collected my money; handed me my change, and wished me a "good day". If I had asked for the item he would have given it to me, but I didn't ask so he left it where it was.

After collecting my change I looked around; there was nothing on the counter in front of me; the transaction seemed to be complete, so I left the shop without the purchased item.

The clerk probably watched until I was out of sight and then picked up the item from the counter where he had left it; put it back on the shelf and then retrieved the purchase price from the cash register and put it into his pocket. Probably the easiest $48 he had ever earned.

A few weeks later I'm back in the same shop and the same thing happened again. I didn't think the clerk would be silly enough to pull the same stunt twice in such a short time, but he was young and stupid and probably thought he was too good to ever be caught (and he knew from our previous encounter that I was an easy mark, ripe for the picking).

So I'm on the left of the cash register, my purchased item is on the right (out of my sight) and the clerk is handing me my change. The clerk is expecting me to either ask for the item, or to leave the shop without the item. Instead I just stood there.

Now a smart con artist would have realized that I was onto him. A smart con artist would have instantly allayed my suspicions by picking up the item and handing it to me with a beaming smile as if that had been his intention all along. But this guy was too greedy. He was so close to another score that he just couldn't bear to give it up so easily. Also he was a complete novice and had no idea what to do now that I wasn't behaving the way he expected. He thought he had played the con perfectly and now he was waiting for me to leave - but I wasn't leaving!

Usually when he played this con, the mark would already be walking out of the shop and he would just carry on normally; tidying up the counter, restocking the shelves, or whatever he usually did. But this time I was just standing there looking innocent and he couldn't think what to do next. It was so funny watching him standing stiffly in front of the cash register, staring off into the distance and pretending that he didn't know I was still there.

He was trying hard not to make eye contact but eventually curiosity got the better of him and his eyes flicked nervously in my direction as he tried to figure out what to do next. I just smiled.

It was probably another five seconds before he eventually realized that he couldn't just stand there like a statue for too much longer and he finally turned his head in my direction and asked, "What?"

Without a word I casually pointed beyond the cash register towards the section of the counter where he had hidden my purchased item. He looked quite ill because he finally realized that I knew exactly what was going on and - worse - that I was silently poking fun at his ineptitude.

He tried to regain lost ground by implying (with his body language) that I was a bit of an idiot. He rolled his eyes at me as if he was utterly confused by my odd behaviour, but the nervous lick of his lips showed that he was afraid I was going to retaliate against him for the attempted rip-off.

He doesn't work there anymore. I don't know why he left. Maybe he got caught by somebody who treated him a bit more roughly than I did.

Sunday 10 July 2016

The Noble Sport Of Bull Fighting

The "fight" goes something like this:

  • A bull is let loose in the arena.
  • The toreadors confuse the bull by flapping their capes at it.
  • When the bull is worn out the picadors arrive on horseback.
  • They chase the bull until it is exhausted.
  • Then they drive a spear into the back of its neck. 
  • Once blood loss has weakened the bull, the banderilleros move in.
  • They ram pointed sticks into the bull's shoulders.
  • By now the bull is just about dead on its feet.
  • That's when the matador arrives.
  • He struts into the arena and teases the bull until it is about to drop.
  • Then he "bravely" moves in to kill the tormented bull with a sword.

Check out the dopey look on the face of this idiot matador. Five seconds later he was gored to death and left with an even dopier expression on his face. His family probably cried. I felt sorry for the bull.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Harold Wildish (Prayer Meister)

In my travels around the internet I came across the name of Harold Wildish, an early 20th century Christian missionary who spent many years in South America and the West Indies.

The stories these missionaries tell about themselves always seem to follow the same pattern. They are keen young believers desperate to serve god but completely lacking in imagination so they can never reach a decision on their own. They invariably cast their fate to the winds. They pray to god for guidance and then do nothing; just sit back on their arse and wait to see what happens. Wildish had several stories about himself that followed the pattern:

Story (1)
After completing his education, he expected God to dramatically show him what to do next. No brilliant light shone from heaven, however. In desperation, he prayed one night to know God's will before midnight. He came home to find a note propped on the mantle. Someone had written him a letter quoting the great commission (which tells Christians to go into the whole world) and with it other words encouraging him to be a missionary.

Story (2)
(a) Three years later, Harold received a letter from Christians in Many Lands asking him to take the place of a man who could not go to the Amazon. He had less than five dollars (one English pound) to his name. He spread the letter on his bed and asked the Lord to supply what he needed. The next morning, he received 25 pounds in a letter from a Christian businessman. 
(b) "But I must have 35," he told the Lord. The following day, he received ten more pounds (about $49) from the same businessman. "I could not sleep last night for thinking about you," wrote the man. "I believe you must need the enclosed ten pounds."


  • In story (1) he starts praying for guidance at night time and when he gets home later that same night (before midnight) there is a letter waiting for him with a suggestion that he become a missionary.
  • In story (2a) he prays for money and the very next morning a letter arrives with cash.
  • In story (2b) there wasn't enough cash so he prayed again for even more - and blow me down if another letter full of cash didn't arrive the next day!

Wildish (and those who repeat his stories) are all convinced that god answered his prayers but that cannot have been the case. Back in the 1920s it took the post office about three days to deliver a letter, so each of the letters he received must have been posted long before he started praying. His prayers served no purpose at all. He was going to get those letters whether he prayed or not.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Representative Government

In June, 2016, Gordon Klingenschmitt stood for a place in the Colorado Senate but failed horribly. He gained only 38% of the vote. One of his campaign volunteers, Rheta Blodgett, was not happy with the result. She said she was disappointed because if he had won,
"He could go into the government and take a stance and not worry about what people thought."

Obviously not a fan of representative government

Friday 1 July 2016

Not All Christians Believe In Noah

According to the BioLogos mission statement:
BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation.

On June 29, 2016, they published an article titled:
Flood Geology and the Grand Canyon:
What Does the Evidence Really Say?

The article began with a complaint about the problems caused by those Christians who insist upon a literal interpretation of the book of Genesis: 
Young-earth creationists today apply what they consider a literal understanding of the creation and flood accounts in Genesis to the interpretation of Earth’s geologic past. In doing so, they challenge the entire history of geological science in the modern era.
And it goes on to say: 
In a new book, The Grand Canyon, Monument to an Ancient Earth, eleven authors describe the geology of the canyon rocks and landforms and focus on the claims of flood geologists. The authors are a mix of Christian and non-Christian professional earth scientists who are concerned about the impact of flood geology on public science literacy and, especially for the Christian authors, the negative impact of a gospel message associated with faulty scientific explanations.

I especially like that last bit where the Christian authors worry about the Creationists' negative impact on the gospel message - but what is the gospel message?

Jesus was born to a virgin
He walked on water
Cured blindness with spit
Chased demons out of men into pigs
Angels talked about him
He talked to the Devil
The Devil talked to him
He died on a cross
He was resurrected
And ascended into heaven
With a promise to return
And if you don't believe that you're going to hell

Good luck putting a positive spin on that rubbish.