Thursday 30 July 2015

If Only He Properly Understood Christian History

This story ends with a dead Christian so it's not to be taken lightly.

I'll start with a brief rundown of the history of the bible. Most Christian scholars will agree with everything I say - which is not surprising since I collected my information from those very same Christian scholars. Of course my language is a bit more robust than the language used by the scholars. (They talk about "late additions"; I talk about forgeries. They talk about "conjectural emendations"; I talk about lying Christians.) Anyway, back to the history lesson:

(1) Jesus died in about 30 AD

(2) His apostles left not one word about their Messiah. Not one word.

(3) Neither did any of the other first Christians. Not a word from any of them.

(4) It wasn't until twenty years after Jesus was dead that Paul arrived on the scene and started preaching about the Messiah - but he didn't have much of a story to tell. No sayings of Jesus; no parables; no stories about the birth of Jesus; no stories about his family; no miracles; no healings; nothing at all like that. Among the few things Paul knew (or thought he knew) about Jesus is that he died, rose again, went to heaven, and promised to return. That's about it, not much else.

(5) Twenty years later (circa 70 AD) Mark wrote his gospel. Like Paul, he knew practically nothing about the life of Jesus. For example he says nothing about the birth of Jesus; never mentions Bethlehem; never mentions Joseph as the earthly father of Jesus; and mentions Mary the mother of Jesus only once! 

(6) Mark also has very little to say about the resurrection of Jesus. He says that some women went to the tomb at sunrise on Sunday morning and found that it was already open with a young man sitting inside it. That young man told them Jesus had already ascended into heaven and the women ran away. As we are told in Mark 16:8, "Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid." And that's where Mark's story ended.

(7) Ten years later (circa 80 AD) Matthew copied most of Mark's gospel. By that time, though,  Christians were starting to ask some serious questions about Jesus: Who was he? Where did he come from? What happened to him after he died? And Matthew decided to answer those questions - by telling lies. He invented all sorts of rubbish about Bethlehem, wise men, shepherds, angels, and even claimed that the holy family had to hide in Egypt for several years because Herod was killing all the Jewish babies. None of those stories were true. Matthew made them up.

(8) Matthew also made up some stories about the post resurrection appearances of Jesus. Whereas Mark said the women found the empty tomb and ran away, Matthew has Jesus chasing after those women and asking them to tell the apostles to go to Galilee where he will speak to them in person before he ascends into heaven.

(9) Ten years after Matthew (circa 90 AD) the gospel of Luke was written. Like Matthew before him, Luke copied most of Mark's gospel and he also invented a birth story for Jesus - but it was completely different from the story told in Matthew's gospel. For example there was no trip to Egypt after Jesus was born. According to Luke the holy family went to Jerusalem where Jesus was circumcised when he was eight days old, and then they went straight back to Nazareth.

(10) And I guess you won't be surprised to learn that Luke also made up his own stories about the post resurrection appearances of Jesus; stories that were completely different to the ones made up by Matthew. According to Luke, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, then to Simon, then to the eleven apostles and to some other people as well. Bullshit piled on top of bullshit.

(11) Then, about a hundred years later, some Christian liars decided it wasn't right that the other gospels had so much to say about the post resurrection appearances of Jesus while Mark said nothing at all - so they added another twelve verses to the end of Mark's gospel. Those additional verses claimed that Jesus was first seen by by Mary Magdalene; then by two disciples, and then the eleven apostles.

(12) But the forgers weren't satisfied with just telling lies about Jesus appearing to the apostles; they decided to add a bit of oogedy-boogedy stuff as well. They made the nonsensical claim that true Christians could pick up snakes and drink poison without being harmed: "They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all." (Mark 16:18)

(13) Those twelve verses were so obviously forgeries that many Christians of the period refused to accept them. For example, the codex  Sinaiticus and codex Vaticanus were both written in the third century and neither of them included verses 9 to 20. Even the modern bibles that contain the twelve forged verses will often include a footnote reminding Christians that they are of dubious origin.

And that was the situation when George Hensley appeared at the Dolly Pond Church of God in Birchwood, Tennessee in 1910. He was an uneducated, drunken Christian who went on to be married four times yet never held a steady job and once got arrested for making moonshine during the prohibition era. He was the guy who started the snake handling churches in America where Christians tested their faith in Jesus by following the words in Mark 16:18. He was the guy who said that Christians should pick up poisonous rattlesnakes and hope to Christ they didn't get bitten - and people listened to the silly bastard!

And now the latest news:
John David Brock, 60, died after a snake bit him in the left arm and he refused medical treatment, according to the Bell County Sheriff's Office. Brock was handling a snake during a church service at Mossy Simpson Pentecostal Church in Jenson. 
A church member says Brock was bitten by a rattlesnake. Brock refused medical treatment and went to his brother's house where he died four hours later. Bell County Coroner Jay Steele was called to the residence and pronounced Brock dead.

If only he had known a bit more about the history of the bible, he would have known that Jesus never told anyone to pick up snakes for any reason whatsoever. The story was invented by a Christian con-man more than a hundred years after Jesus was dead and popularized nearly 2,000 years later by a ratbag alchoholic who couldn't tell his arse from his elbow. John Brock didn't die for Christian truth, he died for a Christian lie.

[Almost poetically, John Brock was born in 1955; the same 
year that George Hensley church...from snake bite!]

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Southern Gospel Music

I've always been an atheist, never a Christian, but there is one thing about the religion that I do like: Southern Gospel Music...

That last song - When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder - has always been one of my favourites but it was only the other day that I noticed just how many other Christian songs have a similarly morbid theme.

In most of the songs listed below there is an expressed desire to die and go to heaven; to leave this miserable world and find true happiness in the afterlife. When you see these songs lined up, one after the other, you suddenly realise that Christianity really is a death cult.

I've got links to all the songs listed, but if you haven't got time to listen to them, here's a five minute compilation of snippets from each song. The thing that gets me is that the lyrics are saying "this world is a horrible place and I can't wait to die and get away from it all," yet the tunes are bright and bouncy and the singers are as happy as can be. Like I said - a death cult!

Just A Little While
Soon this life will all be over,
And our pilgrimage will end.
Soon we'll take our heav'nly journey,
Be at home again with friends
Heaven's gates are standing open
Waiting for our entrance there
Some sweet day we're going over
All the beauties there to share.
What A Day That Will Be
There is coming a day,
When no heart aches shall come,
No more clouds in the sky,
No more tears to dim the eye,
All is peace forever more,
On that happy golden shore,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

When We All Get Together With The Lord
Now when the rich and the poor
Get together with the Lord
Get Together, Get Together, With the lord
They will greet each other
Like sister and brother
When they all get together with the Lord

When We All Get To Heaven
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,
Sing His mercy and His grace;
In the mansions bright and blessed
He’ll prepare for us a place.
When we all get to heaven,
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus,
We’ll sing and shout the victory!

Getting Ready To Leave This World
 Laying up my treasures in that home above
Trusting, fully trusting in the Savior's love;
Doing what I can for heaven's Holy Dove
I'm a getting ready to leave this world.
I'm a getting ready to leave this world of sorrow
I'm a getting ready for the gates of pearl
Keeping my record bright
Watching, both day and night
I'm getting ready to leave this world.

I'll Have A New Life
On that resurrection morning
When all dead in Christ shall rise
I'll have a new body
Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life
Raised in the likeness of my Savior
Ready to live in Paradise
I'll have a new body
Praise the Lord, I'll have a new life

Won't It Be Wonderful There
When with the savior we enter the glory land
Won't it be wonderful there
Ended the troubles and cares of the story land
Won't it be wonderful there?

When I Get Carried Away
I'm gonna let the glory roll
When the roll is called in Glory
I'm gonna get beside myself
When I get beside the King that day
I'm gonna have the time of my life
When the time of my life is over
I'm gonna get carried away
When I get carried away

Everybody Will Be Happy Over There
There's a happy land of promise
Over in the great beyond
Where the saved of earth shall soon the glory share
We shall sing his praise forever
As we look upon his face
Everybody will be happy over there

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Christian Privilege

A Christian named Jason wrote this article in March 2015.

It’s an Unfair World

The world is unfair. Let’s face it.

Some of us are born ugly, while others are so beautiful. Some of us are unintelligent, while others are so smart. And that’s not even considering people who are born with handicaps.

But what I want to talk about is religious unfairness. Because it’s just as real as all the other unfairness in the world. I’m a Christian. I’ve had time to look at what the other major religions of the world teach, and I conclude that Christianity is the truth. I was born into a Christian home. That’s clearly not fair (from my perspective) to all the people born into religious homes other than Christianity. They were born into a home that raised them to believe a lie. Their mother and father told them it was the truth. They believed it since they were children.

And now, (from my perspective), in order for them to be saved, they must reject what they’ve been raised to believe, and embrace Jesus Christ. They must tell their family they are part of a different religion. They must part ways with all the ideas they were trained to hold onto.

But not me. I was raised a Christian. What my parents told me was the truth. Everything I was taught to believe is right. That’s not fair to everyone who was born into a family that taught them a false religion.

Sure, I can try to help them. I can tell people I meet about Jesus. But they have to change their entire belief system to be saved. I don’t.

Why would God make the world that way? So unfair? I believe God didn’t make it that way, we did. When humanity sinned in the persons of Adam and Eve, we made the world evil and unfair. Now God is trying to save us all out of this unfair world. He’s trying to bring us to heaven, where everything is fair, where sin does not exist.

But God is saving us out of the world we made for ourselves, the unfair world.

If you are a Christian you probably can't see anything wrong with the ideas expressed by Jason so let me put it into another context for you:

I’m a white supremacist. I’ve had time to look at the other races of the world and I conclude that white people are the best. I was born into a racist home. That’s clearly not fair to all the people born into homes belonging to other races. They were born into a home that raised them to believe they were equal with white people like me. Their mother and father told them it was the truth. They believed it since they were children.

And now, in order for them to find the real truth, they must reject what they’ve been raised to believe, and accept that white people are more important than they are. They must tell their family they are inferior to white people. They must part ways with all the ideas they were trained to hold onto.

But not me. I was raised a white racist. What my parents told me was the truth. Everything I was taught to believe is right. That’s not fair to everyone who was born into a family that incorrectly taught that all men are equal.

Sure, I can try to help them. I can tell people I meet about the beauty of a racist society. But they have to change their entire belief system to understand the truth of the matter. I don’t.

Still don't get it? There's your Christian privilege...

----- ----- -----

It looks like Jason set up his "C. S. Lewis" blog in March 2015 and in April 2015 he set up a duplicate blog named "Pauline Puritan". I have taken screen shots of both blogs (see below).

The C.S. Lewis blog contains the article titled "It's An Unfair World" but it has been deleted from the Pauline Puritan blog. Just in case It gets deleted from the C.S. Lewis blog here is a link to a copy held in the Google Cache:

Monday 27 July 2015

Fear Of Dying

I'm not scared of dying. The only trouble is the next day you're so bloody stiff.
(Bob Monkhouse in 2002, after being diagnosed with an incurable cancer)

Sunday 26 July 2015

Moon Rocks

On this day (July 26th) in 1969, scientists had their first look at the 46 pounds of rocks that Apollo 11 astronauts brought back from the moon. The rock box was opened in the Vacuum Laboratory of the Manned Spacecraft Center's Lunar Receiving Laboratory, bldg 37, at 3:55 p.m., July 26, 1969.


About ten years later I was at a party in Adelaide, South Australia, when the hostess announced that one of her elderly relatives had something exciting to show us. "Lionel, go and get your moon rocks," she said to him. Off he went to his bedroom and came back with half a dozen cut and polished geodes that looked something like this:

Lionel's rocks weren't quite this pretty but still nice to look at.

"Where did they come from?" we asked.

"From the moon," he replied. "They're moon rocks!"

I could hardly believe the silly old bugger was seriously trying to push this line of bullshit. Moon rocks were some of the most valuable and closely guarded objects in the world and there is no way an ordinary citizen could ever have such things in his possession. I looked at the other party guests, expecting them to be treating his announcement with the derision it deserved, but they seemed enthralled by his story, and delighted that they were able to view such extraordinary artifacts up close and personal.

"How did you get to own moon rocks?" I asked.

Lionel explained that he was working at the Woomera rocket range in South Australia at a time when the various moon landings were taking place. The Americans had a tracking station there, and they would invite the locals into the visitors area where they could watch and listen to proceedings as the astronauts explored the moon. During one of the moon walks the mission controller in America directed an astronaut towards a nearby cluster of rocks and wondered if they might be of interest. The astronaut jokingly replied, "Hang on, I'll kick a few down to you."

And down here on earth, our Lionel said to one of the American security guards, "I wonder where they landed?"

The guard obviously decided to have a bit of fun at Lionel's expense and said he would nip outside and see if he could find them. A few minutes later he returned with a handful of rocks which he presented to Lionel as gifts from the US Government. Lionel was absolutely delighted and took the samples to one of the local workshops where they cut the rocks in half and polished the flat surfaces to a high sheen - and these were the things that he was now showing the party guests in Adelaide.

I looked again at his wide-eyed audience and said to them, "Do you hear what he's saying? He's saying an astronaut kicked these rocks from the moon and a few seconds later they fell to earth and landed just outside his door in Woomera, South Australia !"

Yes, they heard it alright - and they believed it! All of them did! I was the only person in the room who knew that Lionel's story was complete and utter bullshit (or, at least, I was the only one prepared to say that it was). I made several more attempts to explain the impossibility of his ratbag story, but the other guests started turning against me, declaring that I was a hard, cruel, bastard trying to destroy an old man's dream. The hostess demanded that I leave the premises and never return!

Saturday 25 July 2015

If They Die, They Die

The Korean office for Voice of the Martyrs announced at a press conference earlier this week that the Christian missionary organization will be sending Bibles into the southern part of North Korea.

"In North Korea, even children are aware of the risks of possessing a Bible. Even socks, clothes or food are dangerous. People who pick up a Bible know their choice is very risky, they could probably end up being executed," said the Rev. Eric Foley, CEO of VOM Korea to NK News, explaining the dangers of owning a Bible in the Communist state.

VOM will be sending the Bibles, translated into a North Korean dialect, via balloons, a means by which the group has used in the past.

This Christian arsehole is going to drop bibles willy-nilly all over North Korea knowing full well that if some innocent passer-by happens to pick one up they might be executed by the authorities.

Friday 24 July 2015

How Dumb Are These People ?

The con-artist who runs the Bethel Church in Redding, California, came up with a little trick that he has been using to fool his parishioners for years. He chucks a bit of glitter on the floor and then turns on an exhaust fan which gets a convection current going. It takes a while for the effect to take place but some time during the service the air flow lifts the glitter off the floor and it floats towards the exhaust fan and then disappears as it gets sucked outside the building. The video shows what it looks like and the soundtrack makes it clear that the incredulous clowns observing the effect are probably the dumbest people living in America today. They call it The Glory Cloud.

Original video here:

The guy who uploaded the video wrote:
I saw this happen with my own eyes and I will go to my grave fully believing what I saw. There was no way anyone could have done this or make it happen because I would have seen them do it.
He also wrote:
One of our technical guys who put them under a microscope and found this: "Well they appear to be translucent but reflect a gold color, some are hexagonal in shape (which that shape is everywhere in nature). Sizes are extremely small for how big they appear to be"
That's the Christian idea of a technical report! There really is no hope for them is there?

Another person who saw the glory cloud described it like this:
This glittery substance appears at Bethel Church In Redding, Ca. Up from the floor it rises up out of nowhere out of thin air. Standing underneath the source you could feel it going through your body touching your skin or getting in your eyes. It would also stick onto anything. Those who had sickness and disease were told to go under the cloud some were healed within minutes.

The glitter came up from the floor yet this ratbag claims that he was "standing underneath the source"! How in hell did he manage that?

And how in hell does somebody get cured of a disease within minutes? How would they know? How, for example, could a diabetic possibly know (withing the space of a few minutes) that he or she is no longer a diabetic? The idea is just ridiculous.

I know it seems like I'm always picking on the Christians but they really are the dopiest people on the planet. And I'm not actually picking on them at all, I'm just repeating what they say and describing what they do.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Richard Barklie (Two-Faced Bastard)

Mr.Richard Barklie
Honorable Director of the World Human Rights Forum
Speaking at the World Human Rights Conference

Mr Richard Barklie
Football fan
On a train in Paris

Mr Richard Barklie
Racist Thug
Refusing to allow a black man onto the train
While chanting "We're racist, we're racist, and that's the way we like it."

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Blonde News Readers on Fox TV

Are they hired for their news reading skills or for the way they look?

click to enlarge

Sunday 19 July 2015

Unsolicited Tech Support

Imagine if some unknown person rang you up and said there is a problem with your TV and it needs to be fixed immediately. How could they possibly know? They couldn't know could they? So the caller is playing a trick on you. The caller is a scammer. Don't say anything. Just hang up.

It's the same when an unknown person calls you on the phone saying they are from the Windows Technical Support Department; that your computer has been infected with malware and they will fix it for you. The caller is a scammer. Hang up immediately.

Here's how they operate:

First they help you locate and run a program called eventvwr.exe which is already installed on your computer. Then they ask you to scroll through the listing and look for all the warnings and errors (see video below). These are just a normal part of the computer's operating procedure and they mean absolutely nothing - but the scammer tells you that these are the malware programs that are slowly destroying your computer.

Now that they've got you worried they send you to a website (often it will be and show you how to download a program that will enable them to analyse your computer and fix all the problems.

In fact the program gives them complete control of your computer and they set about stealing any files that contain passwords or banking details or credit card information.

Then they tell you they can fix your computer for a fee of $140 as soon as you give them your credit card number - and once you have done that they change your computer's password so that you are now locked out and cannot use it anymore.

By the time you find a genuine repairman to get things back to normal it is too late - your bank account has been emptied and your credit card number is being used by criminals all over the world!

So the rule is clear: when someone phones to say your computer is infected with malware, just hang up.


Not everybody wants to immediately hang up on the scammer however. My brother (for example) likes to tease the caller by pretending to be a doddering old man who has no idea what is going on. No matter what the scammer says, my brother changes the subject and starts talking about the time he lived in New Zealand, or the holiday he had in 1976, or the trouble he is having with his neighbours, or how his grandpa fought in France during World War I. He just goes on, and on, and on - and the scammer stays with him because he is thinking "This silly old fool is just the chump I'm looking for. If only I can get him to listen for a couple of minutes I will be able to get all his money." The scammer perseveres because he really thinks he has a sucker on the line. Sometimes it takes twenty or thirty minutes before he realises he is being ridiculed!

I sometimes say, "Please wait for a moment, I'll have to put you on hold." Then I turn on my radio and put the phone on the desk beside it and leave it there while I go about my business. I don't know how long they stay 'on hold' before they realise that I'm not coming back.


Most of the scammers begin the conversation by claiming that your computer has been sending a large number of error messages to their server. They ask if you are aware of that - and when you say "No," that's when they tell you it is a malware problem that needs to be fixed.

Now think about this: If what they say is true (and it's not true) then they must know your computer's IP Address - because how else could they identify your computer? If they didn't know it was your computer then they wouldn't know that they had to call your phone number would they?

So when the scammer starts his spiel, just ask, "What is my IP Address?"

More often than not you will hear a click as the scammer hangs up on you. He doesn't know your IP Address and your question has indicated to him that you know what is going on, so he hangs up on you and goes looking for a less knowledgeable sucker.

Some scammers will try to avoid answering the question but you must not let them do that. Don't let them change the subject. Ask them again, "What is my IP Address?" As soon as they realise you are going to insist on an answer they will just hang up. The call will usually last for less than a minute.

Update Oct 28, 2015
Last time I asked the scammer for my IP Address he said he wasn't legally allowed to repeat IP Address but he could give me the identity number of my computer. I just hung up. You should do the same.

Saturday 18 July 2015

21st Century News Reporting

I see information like this:

So I'm not surprised when I read stories like this:

Governments think it is to their advantage to keep the general population uneducated because stupid people are easier to control - they will unthinkingly vote against their own best interests if told to do so by their superiors.

Trouble is (as the Arabs have discovered) when the population gets too dumbed-down they turn into raving lunatics and join groups like ISIS.

Friday 17 July 2015

Lucky Numbers

Have you got a lucky number?

Mine is 

Thursday 16 July 2015

What A Charming Religion

The organisers of the Gadhimai festival, which is held in Bariyarpur, near the border with India, claimed about five million worshippers came to sacrifice tens of thousands of animals, including buffaloes, goats and birds, as an act of gratitude to the Hindu goddess.

If you want anything from the Hindu gods you have to kill something first. The more you pray for, the bigger the animal you have to kill - and it's always cute if you can get the children involved.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

God Wants Your Money - He Always Needs Money

What happens when a church member suddenly stops attending services? Does the preacher try to find out if there is a problem? Maybe the church member is sick or injured and needs immediate help? Maybe she has lost her job and can't afford to pay the bus fare to get to church each Sunday?

So what happens? Well none of the above. Instead the church pastor waits three months and then sends out a demand for tithe money that has not been paid!
You are currently delinquent in your financial support.

Anytime a member fails to contribute the minimum assessed amount for three or more months in the year becomes a delinquent member. In order to not be removed from the church roll your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
Please contact the church office (Sister Ladreda Spencer) from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday or Thursday to review your financial contribution record and the amount needed to retain your membership.

It reminds of that bit in the New Testament where Paul tells the Corinthians to have the money ready for him when he arrives because he doesn't want to waste any time chasing after backsliders who are behind with their donations.
Now about the collection for the Lord’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)

Monday 13 July 2015

Two Sides To Every Story

Did you hear about the guy who had his car up on a jack while he worked underneath it. A passer-by snuck up on him and kicked the jack out of position so that the car fell onto the owner's chest breaking six of his ribs. The passer-by settled down in a corner to watch the action but did nothing to help. He just watched quietly while the man feebly called for help (but nobody heard him).

By sheer chance the man's wife returned home a few hours later and she was able to rescue him.

That's when the passer-by approached the woman and told her that had spent the last two hours watching while her husband suffered. He explained that he hadn't bothered to help because he got a great deal of pleasure from watching people writhe in pain. He said he was entitled to a bit of fun and now that she had returned home and rescued the victim, "Well it has all turned out for the best after all."

As it happens the passer-by was well-known the family so the woman didn't raise a fuss about the fact that he kicked over the jack and caused such horrible injuries. Instead she praised him for his bravery and congratulated him for spending so much time watching over her husband until she managed to get home to save him.

Here's the same story with a Christian spin:

SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah (April 25, 2015 — A Utah woman said she got a feeling Monday morning that something was wrong with her husband. So she rushed home and ended up saving his life. 

According to FOX13, Scott Mayhew, 43, was inside his garage working on his car, when the vehicle fell off the jack and crushed his chest. 

He tried yelling for help, but no one heard him. He laid trapped under the jack for an hour and a half. 

Scott’s wife Nicole Mayhew was at work at the time of the accident. Nicole told FOX13 she got a funny feeling she needed to see her husband. “I just said I need to go check on him working on the car I just believe a spirit told me,” Nicole said. 

As soon as Nicole pulled into the driveway she knew something was wrong. “I thought, ‘it’s on him, it’s got to be on him, the car,’ that’s what’s in my head, so I knew immediately,” said Nicole. 

Her instinct was correct. She ran into the garage to find her husband and father of their five children, lying underneath the Ford Explorer. 

Nicole called 911, and Scott was flown to University of Utah Hospital. Police said there was concern of possible internal bleeding, but fortunately Nicole got there in time. 

Nicole told FOX13, “He said he kept praying for me to come home. I believe that you know there’s angels around us and my religion, my Heavenly Father was with him.” 

Scott Mayhew suffered six broken ribs but is expected to make a full recovery. 

Sunday 12 July 2015

They Think It's All Brand New

The Christian Post makes it sound like Luis Palau is something rather special - preached to 30 million people in 75 countries with up to 60,000 people at a single sermon - but he'll go the same way as all of his predecessors. He will die; his family will share out all the money in his bank accounts, and thereafter he will be completely forgotten by everyone except a few historians.

Now check out the story of Bill Sunday 
(Billy who?)
He was the most famous evangelist operating in America during the early 20th century and now he is completely forgotten by everyone except a few historians.
Over the course of his career, Sunday probably preached to more than one hundred million people face-to-face—and, to the great majority, without electronic amplification ... Sunday estimated that he had preached nearly 20,000 sermons, an average of 42 per month from 1896 to 1935. During his heyday, when he was preaching more than twenty times each week, his crowds were often huge. Even in 1923, well into the period of his decline, 479,300 people attended the 79 meetings of the six-week 1923 Columbia, South Carolina, campaign—23 times the white population of Columbia.

Wages of success
Large crowds and an efficient organization meant that Sunday, the former resident of an orphan home, was soon netting hefty offerings. The first questions about Sunday's income were apparently raised during the Columbus, Ohio, campaign at the turn of 1912–13. During the Pittsburgh campaign a year later, Sunday spoke four times per day and effectively made $217 per sermon or $870 a day at a time when the average gainfully employed worker made $836 per year. The major cities of Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and New York City gave Sunday even larger offerings. Sunday donated Chicago's offering of $58,000 to Pacific Garden Mission and the $120,500 New York offering to war charities. Nevertheless, between 1908 and 1920, the Sundays earned over a million dollars; an average worker during the same period earned less than $14,000.

And why is he forgotten today? Because he never did anything worth remembering! He was just an average Christian preacher with a better than average PR team - and that's the position of Luis Palau today. He is an average preacher with a better than average PR team but he will be forgotten just as quickly as Billy Sunday because he doesn't actually do anything. He's just another preacher, telling lies to a gullible (and fickle) audience of uneducated idiots.

Saturday 11 July 2015

The Best Thing Ever

Before you go any further, ask yourself what is the best thing that has ever happened to the world? 

Then take a look at the video and watch Christian preacher Pat Robertson answer that question.

Original video here:

So what is going on? Why is this disgusting old brute telling his gullible followers that mass beheadings performed by Muslims are the best thing that has ever happened to the world? 

Well he's trying to con people into giving him their cash.

He starts off by implying that the beheadings are a much needed wake-up call for all Christians. He is suggesting that the murders are so horrible and so frightening that backsliding Christians have been driven back into church - and that's a good thing!

Now that he has their attention, Robertson goes on in the video to tell his Christian followers that he has found the answer to the problem and the details can be found in a book that he has written; a book titled Islam: Religion of Peace or War.

It is so important (says Robertson) that he has decided to give it away for free so that every Christian in the world has a chance to read it. Just call 1-800-759-0700 to place your order.

And do you know what happens when the calls are made?

All talk of Beheadings, Muslims, Christians, Peace and War, goes out the window as Robertson's staff in the phone room try to coax every caller into donating money to Pat Robertson!

And not just a one-off donation either; they keep on coaxing until the callers hand over their credit card details and agree to make regular monthly or weekly donations.

Sure, there are atheists like me poking fun at Robertson's ratbaggery and referring to him as "a disgusting old brute" but he doesn't give a fuck about that because he is making a fortune by selling cheaply printed books at outrageously inflated prices.

Some gullible Christian lady rings up for a free book and finishes up committing herself to a $25 per week donation for the rest of her life. That's $1,300 per year or $13,000 every decade! A helluva high price to pay for book worth probably less than five dollars.

But that's Christianity. God always needs money.

Friday 3 July 2015

The Feast of St Thomas (July 3)

July 3rd is the feast day for Doubting Thomas, the apostle who didn't believe that Jesus had come back from the dead.
Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe. (John 20:25)

Years later Mary (mother of Jesus) died and, as she was ascending into heaven, she called out to Tommy and dropped her waist belt (girdle) so that he would have proof that he had witnessed the event.

It sounds like a made up story but no - the Catholics have still got the girdle! Here it is, on display, in 2007:

Seriously, how dumb do you have to be to fall for crap like this?

Hundreds of millions of adult human beings living in the 21st century actually believe that 2,000 years ago some Jewish woman took off in front of witnesses and went straight up into space like she had a rocket up her arse!

And then she turned around, took off her girdle, and chucked it back toward Earth where it was picked up by Doubting Thomas who bequeathed it to the church when he died!

People believe this bullshit!

And they think the unbelievers are the silly ones!