Wednesday 3 October 2018

What Was The First Thing...

What was the first thing Cain did after God condemned him to be a vagabond in the earth forever? 

He lived a fairly settled life for a vagabond. He built a city and lived there with his wife and children.

Why build a city? One mud hut would have been enough for him and his family.

What was the first thing Noah did after saving all the animals when his ark landed on Mount Ararat?

He built and alter and started killing the animals - stabbed them to death and then burnt them on the altar.

What was the first thing Moses did after he was given the commandment that says, "thou shalt not kill"?

He ordered the Levites to kill all of their friends and family members - and they did. Three thousand murders in one day!

What was one of the first things Jesus said after warning, "whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."

He said, "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees ... Ye fools and blind."