Wednesday 26 October 2016

What Goes Around Comes Around

When the Christians gained political power in the 4th century AD they immediately set about destroying every other religion in the area. The Emperor passed laws which included the death penalty for worshipping at a pagan temple and the ordinary Christians (who had been taught to love their neighbours and forgive their enemies) were delighted with the new situation, taking great pleasure in vandalising pagan temples, tombs, and monuments - a bit like ISIS today.

One of Christianity's greatest heroes at the time - Firmicus Maternus - demanded even more gruesome punishments when he wrote,
"Paganism, most holy emperors, must be utterly destroyed and blotted out, and disciplined by the severest enactments of your edicts, lest the deadly delusion of the presumption continue to stain the Roman world
And he went on to say,
"How fortunate you are that God has reserved for you the destruction of idolatry and the ruin of profane temples."

Now, 1,600 years later, the Christians have forgotten their own despicable history and are complaining that they are not getting a fair go in Muslim countries:
Christianity May Still be Eradicated 
from Iraq, Even after ISIS is Defeated
Religious leaders have been vocalizing the threat ISIS poses to the survival of Christianity in the Middle East since ISIS rose to power, but even now that many places are being liberated from ISIS control, religious leaders say Christianity may still be eradicated.

Just last week, the Iraqi parliament banned the consumption and sale of alcohol--something which is forbidden for Muslims, and thus seemed to be targeting Christians who are its primary consumers and retailers.

Forbidden to sell alcohol. How awful for them. Will the torment never end?

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