Wednesday 30 July 2014

Only Christians Can Do Science

Original video is here:

The guy in the video says that only Christians can do Science.

This list of Nobel prize-winning atheists
proves that he is just another liar for Jesus:

Zhores Alferov 2000 Physics

Philip W. Anderson 1977 Physics

Julius Axelrod 1970 Physiology or Medicine

Hans Bethe 1967 Physics

Patrick Blackett 1948 Physics

Niels Bohr 1922 Physics

Paul D. Boyer 1997 Chemistry

Percy Williams Bridgman 1946 Physics

James Chadwick 1935 Physics

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 1983 Physics

Georges Charpak 1992 Physics

Francis Crick 1962 Physiology or Medicine

Paul Dirac 1933 Physics

Richard R. Ernst 1991 Chemistry

Richard Feynman 1965 Physics

James Franck 1925 Physics

Vitaly Ginzburg 2003 Physics

Herbert A. Hauptman 1985 Chemistry

Roald Hoffmann 1981 Chemistry.

Russell Alan Hulse 1993 Physics

François Jacob 1965 Physiology or Medicine

Frédéric Joliot-Curie 1935 Chemistry

Irène Joliot-Curie 1935 Chemistry

Herbert Kroemer 2000 Physics

Harold Kroto 1996 Chemistry

Lev Landau 1962 Physics

Leon M. Lederman 1988 Physics

Jean-Marie Lehn 1987 Chemistry

Sir Peter Medawar 1960 Physiology or Medicine

Élie Metchnikoff 1908 Physiology or Medicine

Peter D. Mitchell 1978 Chemistry

Jacques Monod 1965 Physiology or Medicine

Thomas Hunt Morgan 1933 Physiology or Medicine

Hermann Joseph Muller 1946 Physiology or Medicine

John Forbes Nash, Jr. 1994 Nobel Economic Sciences

Paul Nurse 2001 Physiology or Medicine

Wilhelm Ostwald 1909 Chemistry

Linus Pauling 1954 Chemistry

Ivan Pavlov 1904 Physiology or Medicine

Jean Baptiste Perrin 1926 Physics

Max Perutz 1962 Chemistry

Richard J. Roberts 1993 Physiology or Medicine

Andrei Sakharov 1975 Peace Prize

Erwin Schrödinger 1933 Physics

William Shockley 1956 Physics

Michael Smith 1993 Chemistry

Jack Steinberger 1988 Physics

John Sulston 2002 Physiology or Medicine

Igor Tamm 1958 Physics

Nikolaas Tinbergen 1973 Physiology or Medicine

Harold Urey 1934 Chemistry

George Wald 1967 Physiology or Medicine

James D. Watson 1962 Physiology or Medicine

Steven Weinberg 1979 Physics

Eugene Wigner 1963 Physics

Hundreds more atheist scientists listed here.

Monday 28 July 2014

I'm Humble, You're Arrogant

Atheists are arrogant, Christians are humble. Yeah. Right.

The people who claim to have a direct line to the Creator Of The Universe, Invisible Master of All Things, Who tells them that they have a special purpose and will live for Eternity, and who have a Divine Mission to make sure everyone else follows God’s marching orders, are humble. The ones who say we live in a thin skin of water and air on one small rock among uncountable trillions in the universe, who say existence is fragile and we need to work to maintain it, and that we’re nothing special, except to ourselves…those are the arrogant ones.

Have you ever seen Christian bumper stickers that say something like "not perfect, just saved"? I suppose the owner imagines that this is an expression of humility for admitting that one isn't perfect, but the attempted humility fails because of the smug expression of superiority: "even if I'm not perfect, I'm still going to spend eternity in paradise while the rest of you losers will suffer an eternity of torment. So there!" Yet, it's atheists who are accused of being arrogant.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Where Do You Think You're Going?

Alan Bennett in "Beyond The Fringe" more than fifty years ago (in 1961)

During some performances he deleted the story of the young lady who asked "What's your little game?" and replaced it with another story where he was on a railway station and mistakenly went in through a gate where he should have been going out. It was at that point, says Bennett,
An employee of the railways hailed me:
'Oi you,' he said. 'Where do you think you're going?'
And that put me in mind of the sort of question I should be asking you, here, tonight:
 'Where do you think you're going?'

Thursday 24 July 2014


Gordon Klingenschmitt has been a preacher all his life, but he still doesn't know what the bible teaches. In this video he unwittingly declares that the bible is demonic!

The original video is here:

The relevant piece begins at the 24'00" mark

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Sad Story

I think I know what happened here and that's why I feel sad for the young man who died. He made the simplest mistake and it cost him his life.

Notice that the water was only a few inches deep on the roadway and it was flowing freely through the spoked wheels so there was no strong water pressure against the bike. If the bike had been swept away by water pressure the wheels would have been knocked out from under the rider and the bike would have slid sideways off the road and over the edge. In the video, however, the rider actually steers the bike through a ninety-degree turn and it remains upright even as it falls off the edge of the road.

What probably happened is that the rider looked down at the water and became disorientated by its movement across the road from left to right. He was instinctively steering to the right without even realising it. If he had lifted his eyes from the water he would have got things into perspective and understood that he was in danger. But he didn't lift his eyes. Even as his bike made that ninety-degree turn, he was probably still thinking that he was traveling in a straight line across the road.

The sad thing about his death is that solution is so simple.

Before entering the water you should pick landmark directly ahead of you on the other side of the river. It might be a tree, or a bush, or a fence post, or anything at all. But whatever it is, it now becomes your aiming point. If you go from where you are now directly to your aiming point then you will have crossed the river in a beautiful straight line, and you do that by never once looking down at the water. Once your journey begins you keep your eyes focused on your aiming point and completely ignore the water flow beneath you. That prevents you from becoming disorientated and you will never make a ninety-degree turn that sends you off the road and into the river.

Monday 21 July 2014

Pat Capocci sings "Baby Sue"

Here's a 21st Century artist who knows how to re-create the sounds of the Rockabilly genre that rose, peaked, and died, in the space of four short years from 1954 to 1958.

Just as a matter of interest, it has been estimated that 200 new rockabilly songs were recorded every week during the mid-to-late 1950s; about 50,000 altogether. (I've got about 5,000 of them in my record collection).

Sunday 20 July 2014

Only The Truly Devout Develop A Prayer Callous

Have you ever heard of a prayer callous? 

Muslims get them from banging their heads against the floor while they are praying to God. The more they bang their head, the bigger the callous gets - and the bigger the callous gets, the more devout the head banger is thought to be by his peers.

Here's an African American Muslim with a fairly 
hefty looking prayer callous on his noggin.
Looks like a nice young man.

He used to be called Merv Mitchell but he was arrested so many times (for robbery, theft, burglary, and carrying firearms) that he tried to hide from the police by converting to Islam and changing his name to Mabul Shoatz. He blew his cover in 2014, however, when some money went missing from his local mosque and he decided to do the religious thing by cutting off the thief's hand with a machette!

Well what else would you expect from a devout follower of the religion of peace?

Link to news story:

Thursday 17 July 2014

Chemicals Are Being Compared
In The Tour De France

I like watching the Tour De France but after the Lance Armstrong debacle I just can't get excited about it any more. The other night the winning rider went across the line and raised his arms in the air in a victory salute. My face broke into a grin as I prepared to join in the congratulations, and then I stopped in mid-smile. I wasn't watching the strongest, fastest, rider of the day. I was watching the cheat with the most effective drug masking routines and the biggest bribes paid to the officials in the drug testing department. Bicycle racing; probably the most corrupt sport in the world.

Monday 14 July 2014

Number of Potential Bishops in UK has Doubled

The Church of England voted Monday to allow women to serve as bishops, a historic decision that takes the church a step closer toward achieving gender equality.

Male or female, they'll still be telling the same old lies to the flock: Jesus walked on water ... Tithing is essential ... Women cannot speak in church*

Oh, no, not that last one.

   (This bit of the bible is now obsolete and no longer true)

Saturday 12 July 2014

Guess What He Is Talking About

Watch this video and listen to the words spoken by the preacher. Listen carefully and try to guess what particular subject he is heading toward.

Is it World War III? 
The Evangelical End Times? 
The threat of Terrorism?
Or is it something even more important than that?

Watch and learn

Original video here:


And just for fun, you may be interested to know what the bible has to say about the same subject:

Original video here:

Thursday 10 July 2014

The Straw Man Is An Easy Target

Louie Gohmert
American politician
Speaking at "Celebrate America"
A Christian revival crusade 
Organised by Rodney Howard-Browne
July 2014

He sets up a straw man by placing a lie into the mouth of the atheist. Then he pokes fun at the lie and his ratbag audience think he's proved something!

Original video here:

There is not an atheist intellectual anywhere on the planet who has ever used the equation referred to by Gohmert. Atheist intellectuals know that scientists have traced the history of the universe to a point where its age was just a tiny fraction of a second, but they have not gone beyond that point. When asked about the situation before that moment in time they will always answer with the words, "I don't know."

Gohmert is completely wrong when he says that atheists have an equation which says, "nobody plus nothing equals everything," but I am completely correct when I say that he has an equation to explain the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It looks like this:

1  +  1  +  1  =  1
And that's not a straw man - that's what Gohmert truly believes!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Welcome To The 21st Century

Pope Francis has endorsed an international organisation that conducts exorcisms. The Vatican's Congregation for Clergy has recognised the International Association of Exorcists under canon law. Last week it was reported that Pope Francis had formally recognised the International Association of Exorcists, a group of 250 priests spread across 30 countries who supposedly cast out demons. 

It's amazing to think that way back in 400BC, Hippocrates said that epilepsy and insanity were not caused by demons, but by abnormalities of the brain - which puts Pope Francis about 2,400 years behind the times.

Even worse, his more than one billion ratbag followers agree with every word he says. They dare not disagree for fear that they will miss out on a free trip to heaven if they do. Weak, selfish, cowards!

Sunday 6 July 2014

The Inquistions Were Run By Such Lovely People

Remember the excuses you made when you were caught doing something naughty as a child?
  • They were picking on me
  • They deserved it
  • I didn't know it was wrong
  • A big boy made me do it
  • All the other kids were doing it
  • blah blah blah.

The Catholic Church stoops to the same childish level as it tries to excuse its cruel behaviour during the Inquisitions. According to the "Catholic Answers Staff" the apologist should:

Point out that the Inquisition was intended not to convert people, but to find people who were outwardly claiming to be Christian but secretly practiced another religion ... The inquisition was thus an attempt to protect the purity of the Christian community. 
Also point out that the Protestants had a counter-inquisition that killed Catholics ... In addition, Protestants were the big witch-burners. Witch burning never caught on in Catholic countries. 

When the Spanish Inquisition examined the cases of reported witches, it almost invariably concluded that the charges were false and the accused were not guilty. But tens of thousands of supposed witches were burned at the stake, hanged, or drowned in Protestant countries, including the American colonies. 

On another page at the same website the readers are told:
No account of foolishness, misguided zeal, or cruelty by Catholics can undo the divine foundation of the Church
Let me translate that for you:
Rule 1: The Catholic church is never wrong.
Rule 2: If the Catholic church is wrong, Rule 1 applies.

But it's not just the glorified social workers on the "Answers Staff" who come out with such craziness. The Catholic Encyclopedia contains an article which says that the Inquisitors, 
Far from being inhuman, they were, as a rule, men of spotless character and sometimes of truly admirable sanctity
When the Inquisitor arrived in a "heresy-ridden district"
(no preconceptions there, eh?)
The inhabitants were summoned to appear before the inquisitor. On those who confessed of their own accord a suitable penance (e.g. a pilgrimage) was imposed, but never a severe punishment like incarceration or surrender to the civil power ... If the accused at once made full and free confession, the affair was soon concluded, and not to the disadvantage of the accused.
Most of the punishments that were properly speaking inquisitional were not inhuman, either by their nature or by the manner of their infliction. Most frequently certain good works were ordered, e.g. the building of a church, the visitation of a church, a pilgrimage more or less distant, the offering of a candle or a chalice, participation in a crusade, and the like.
The hardest penalties were imprisonment in its various degrees, exclusion from the communion of the Church, and the usually consequent surrender to the civil power.
On two occasions (quoted above) the Catholic Encyclopedia mentions a punishment that included "surrender to the civil power." Do you know what that means? It means the accused were found guilty and handed over to the civilian authorities who carried out the death penalty imposed by the Inquisitors. It was a clever little ploy which allowed the Catholic Church to (dis)honestly claim that it never, ever, killed anyone during 600 years of Inquisitions!


And you'll find more apologies at the Catholic Education Resource Center

Friday 4 July 2014

A Brilliant, Brilliant, Suggestion

Early in the reign of Protestant Queen Elizabeth I, the English Parliament introduced The Act of Uniformity which included the Recusancy Laws that were initially aimed at the Catholics but eventually applied to all citizens. By this Act, Elizabeth I made it a legal obligation to attend church every Sunday and those who refused were fined one-shilling, which was about a weeks wages for a servant or farmhand.

Throughout the 17th Century the Recusancy Laws got tougher and tougher:
  • 1593, movement of recusants was restricted to within five miles of their homes.
  • 1605, convicted recusants were forced to receive Anglican communion once per year or pay a fine
  • 1605, recusants barred from office and professions.
  • 1678, recusants barred from parliament.
  • 1692, recusants incur double land tax.
  • 1699, recusants barred from purchasing or inheriting land.

Of course we are way beyond that sort of thing today. There is not a civilized person anywhere in the world who would call for a reintroduction of the Recusancy Laws and tax people who failed to attend church on Sunday - or is there?

Christian love and tolerance
More honored in the breach than in the observance