Thursday 22 February 2018

Billy Graham (1918-2018) A Wasted Life

Watch the video in full screen mode so you can read the text:

And for any Christian who wants to defend this despicable old devil dodger, consider this:

Graham said that AIDS is a punishment from God for our sinful ways: “Is AIDS a judgment of God?” he had said in Columbus, Ohio in 1993, “I could not be sure, but I think so.”

He wrote a memo to President Nixon urging him to commit a war crime in Vietnam ... He wanted Nixon to use nuclear weapons to destroy the dikes that manage flooding in North Vietnam.

Graham was anti-Semitic ... Specifically, he told the president that Jews control the media, and that this was dangerous: “This stranglehold has got to be broken or this country’s going down the drain.”

Graham had backward views on women. He criticized feminism, and is the namesake of that weird rule that Mike Pence lives by, never spending any time alone with any woman besides his wife.