Tuesday 15 May 2018

Your First Guess Will Probably Be Correct

The whole family woke up bright and early on the first day of Ramadan. Mummy and Daddy helped the kiddies get into their suicide vests and off they went on their big adventure - to kill as many fucking infidels as they could find!

Daddy drove Mummy and his little daughters down to the local church where he watched in admiration as the three of them hopped out of the car and blew themselves to smithereens.

Then Daddy drove his blood spattered car down to another church and detonated a bomb that blew his silly head off his shoulders.

Meanwhile his two sons rode a motorbike up to the entrance of yet another church and blasted themselves into oblivion.

So here's the question:
To which religion did this family of ratbags belong?

It could have been a Christian family killing Hindus,
or Hindus killing Sikhs, 
or Sikhs killing Scientologists, 
or Scientologists killing atheists, 
but you already know the true answer don't you? You already know that this murderous family of crazed religious fanatics belonged to the religion of peace; the one that preaches world domination. What's its name again?

Such lovely people