Tuesday 6 January 2015

Attack Of The Scorpions

This must be the dopiest news story of 2014:

ISIS using bombs containing live
SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic
Canisters packed with poisonous varieties of scorpion are being blasted into towns and villages, which explode on impact - scattering the scorpions and causing panic among the innocent local population.

Can you imagine ISIS soldiers out in the field with a pair of tweezers, turning over rocks and searching for scorpions? I wonder how long it takes to get a bomb-full? 

Or maybe it's a more commercial thing. Maybe they just pop down to the local scorpion farm to buy their supplies.

I wonder how many scorpions survive the impact explosion?

I wonder if the scorpions understand they are to remain in the open in order to create terror, or do they scamper under the nearest rock and keep out of sight so nobody knows they are there?

Is there any story silly enough not to find it's way into the tabloids?

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