Saturday 11 July 2015

The Best Thing Ever

Before you go any further, ask yourself what is the best thing that has ever happened to the world? 

Then take a look at the video and watch Christian preacher Pat Robertson answer that question.

Original video here:

So what is going on? Why is this disgusting old brute telling his gullible followers that mass beheadings performed by Muslims are the best thing that has ever happened to the world? 

Well he's trying to con people into giving him their cash.

He starts off by implying that the beheadings are a much needed wake-up call for all Christians. He is suggesting that the murders are so horrible and so frightening that backsliding Christians have been driven back into church - and that's a good thing!

Now that he has their attention, Robertson goes on in the video to tell his Christian followers that he has found the answer to the problem and the details can be found in a book that he has written; a book titled Islam: Religion of Peace or War.

It is so important (says Robertson) that he has decided to give it away for free so that every Christian in the world has a chance to read it. Just call 1-800-759-0700 to place your order.

And do you know what happens when the calls are made?

All talk of Beheadings, Muslims, Christians, Peace and War, goes out the window as Robertson's staff in the phone room try to coax every caller into donating money to Pat Robertson!

And not just a one-off donation either; they keep on coaxing until the callers hand over their credit card details and agree to make regular monthly or weekly donations.

Sure, there are atheists like me poking fun at Robertson's ratbaggery and referring to him as "a disgusting old brute" but he doesn't give a fuck about that because he is making a fortune by selling cheaply printed books at outrageously inflated prices.

Some gullible Christian lady rings up for a free book and finishes up committing herself to a $25 per week donation for the rest of her life. That's $1,300 per year or $13,000 every decade! A helluva high price to pay for book worth probably less than five dollars.

But that's Christianity. God always needs money.

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