Tuesday 12 May 2015

Demon Hunters Always Resort To Violence

A woman was effectively beaten to death with sticks by a religious team trying to exorcise demons from her body.

Have you ever heard of an exorcist being kind and gentle as they perform their idiotic rituals? Have you ever heard of a religious fanatic trying to exorcise demons with a soothing massage? No, of course you haven't! The exorcists always (yes always) bash the shit out of their victims!

Why is that?

Well exorcists aren't actually trying to remove demon's from the victim's body. Most of them don't even believe that demons exist. They are nothing more than sadists who use religion to hide their perversion. 

If they set up shop in the high street and beat the shit out of anyone who came in through the front door they would be arrested and put in jail. But if they belong to a religion they can advertise themselves as exorcists and torture their victims to death while the rest of the congregation sits outside the door and prays for god's assistance. Idiots!

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