Wednesday 12 November 2014

Faith Healers

ALBANY, Ore. — An Albany couple has been convicted of manslaughter in the faith-healing death of their 12-year-old daughter who had diabetes.

I notice that mummy wears glasses. It's OK for her to use medical science to solve her little problems - but the child was only twelve and not strong enough to argue, so mummy took the opportunity to sit back on her fat arse and enjoy all the drama as she watched her daughter die a slow and painful death!

Some will say the parents' faith was misguided but they nevertheless loved their daughter and hoped that she would recover. I have a different opinion. I think the parents are egotistical bastards who took sadistic pleasure in the knowledge that they had the power to decide if their daughter lived or died.

But it's even worse than that because, if their daughter had recovered, the parents really wouldn't have had a story to tell. They were probably hoping and praying that she would die, because that enabled them to strut into church on the following Sunday and boast about the strength of their faith: "Look at us everybody. We let our daughter die rather than stop believing in the healing power of Jesus. Aren't we wonderful? Aren't the rest of you so very ordinary?"

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