Monday 30 June 2014

One Of God's Little Helpers

That bit at the start of the video - about atheists being offended by a god in which they don't believe - Stine got that bit wrong. Atheists are not offended by a non-existent god, they are offended by theists who watch their children die while praying for a cure instead of calling for a doctor. They are offended by religions that encourage theists to fly planes into buildings and kill thousands of people. They are offended by theists like Jim Jones who convinced his nine hundred followers to commit mass suicide. Atheists are offended by so many things, but god isn't one of them.

This is not god's work.
This is the work of theists in Syria
(Shiite Muslims belonging to Hezbollah)
I am not offended by god
I am offended by his followers

Did you notice at the end of the video that Brad Stine said,
"We want our country back and we'll fight for it.
If he was given the OK to act out his fantasy, how far do you think he would go in his fight against the atheists? Would he just smack them on the bottom and tell them to behave, or would he escalate the fighting to the point where even Hezbollah would cry, "Stop!" Listen again to Stine's tone of voice in the video. Is that the tone of a gentle comedian or a fanatical warrior in the Army of the Lord?

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