Tuesday 10 June 2014

Famous Historical Site

Imagine you were living 5,000 years ago and you were out hunting when you came across this scene:

How would you react?

Very probably you wouldn't react at all.

But what if you came upon the site from a different angle and you saw this:

How long would it take before you noticed that the rocks seemed to make up the shape of a boat? How long before you were telling your kids stories about it? The biggest boat in the world! Big enough to carry all the people and all the animals from here to the top of the mountain and back again.

How many of your kids would remember that story and pass it on (with extra details added) to their own children?

How long would it take before some of the really dumb hillbillies stopped thinking of it as a children's bedtime story and started thinking that it was a true story about something that really happened? Probably not very long because those primitive hunter-gatherers were blissfully ignorant about nearly everything except hunting and gathering, so they had the potential to believe whatever nonsense popped into their heads at the time.

But what about our modern times? Is it possible that a well educated, adult human being, living in the 21st century, could be as blissfully ignorant as a hillbilly living 5,000 years ago? Of course it's possible. Such people are everywhere. We call them Christians.

Yes, there are millions of Christians around the world who truly believe that these rocks are the remains of Noah's Ark, and over the years they have raised (and continue to raise) millions of dollars which they pay to con men who travel to the site and verify whatever nonsense their backers want to believe.

This is the story that started it all, way back in 1960:

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