Friday 28 August 2015

Testimony! Testimony!

Original video here:

Here's what a Christian thinks while watching this video:
Wow, isn't Christianity amazing. 
Nothing else! That's it. 
Wow, isn't Christianity amazing.
Well maybe one other thing:
Perhaps we better make a donation to the church or we might miss out.

Here are some questions that a cynic like me might ask:

Where did this happen?
When did it happen?
Who were the doctors involved?
Have they verified the story about the tumors?
Are the medical reports available?
Has anyone seen the brain scans?
Who is the "precious woman"?
What is her name?
Is she the woman in the video or is that a professional model?
Do the children belong to the "precious woman" or are they models too?
When was the baby declared tumor free?
Who declared the baby was free of tumors? 
Was it a doctor?
What is the doctor's name?
Has the doctor verified the story of the cure?
How much money was in the envelope?
How did the money cause the alleged miracle?
Did the woman go to church every week or just twice: once to deliver the cash and then three months later to report "mission accomplished"?
Or is the whole thing a pious fraud?

The answer to nearly every question is "No", or "We haven't got a clue," which makes it very easy for me to assume that this story is total bullshit invented by a lying preacher.

I could be wrong - but I'll bet I'm not.

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