Friday 3 April 2015

Jesus - Missing In Action These Last 2,000 Years

It's Good Friday and Christians around the world are performing their "Stations of the Cross" ritual which requires them to stop and pray in front of pictures depicting the events of the day when Jesus was crucified.

But the ritual always leaves out the most exciting part. Do you remember it? The appearance of the walking dead? Matthew 27:52-53 has all the details: 
52 The tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.
53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.
I've often wondered why such an interesting event is so rarely mentioned during the Good Friday service and I think I've figured it out. I think it's because modern Christians no longer believe in mass resurrections. They're quite OK with single resurrections like:
- The daughter of Jairus. [Mark 5:21-43]
- The Young Man from Nain. [Luke 7:11-17]
- The Raising of Lazarus. [John 11:1-44]
- And Jesus of course
But the idea of mass resurrections with zombies roaming free on the city streets, well that is too much for most 21st century Christians to swallow - so the preachers go out of their way to keep that nonsensical story well hidden.

By the way, don't mention any of those resurrections that came before Jesus - because that information completely fucks up Acts 26:23

[It's a funny old religion, isn't it?]

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