Wednesday, 31 December 2014

God's 2014 Prophecies (Mega-Fail)

In January 2014 that old Christian scammer, Pat Robertson, went up onto the mountain top to commune with god and he came back with a series of (god given) prophecies for 2014.

Original video here:

Let's see how god's prophecies turned out:

1. The world will be in chaos
FAILED Not specific enough. Pat deliberately uses this vague language so that his followers can point to any tiny incident and interpret it as a fulfillment of the prophesied "chaos". As it happened, nothing unusual occurred during 2014 and the prophecy failed.

2. A credit crisis caused by China

3. The Iranians will have a nuclear device before the end of the year

4. Republicans will win control of the Congress
CORRECT - but nearly every US political pundit knew this would happen. Hell, even I thought it would happen (and I live on the other side of the world!).

5. The president will give up government to go surfing in Hawaii.
FAILED (Even his female sidekick couldn't suppress an incredulous snigger when she heard that bit of nonsense)

6. There will be a great rule of god

7. Christians will do extraordinary things.
FAILED Not specific enough. So vague that almost any incident could be interpreted as fulfillment and therefore the prophecy is worthless. 

8. There will be tremendous healing miracles
FAILED Not specific enough. So vague that almost any incident could be interpreted as fulfillment and therefore the prophecy is worthless. 

9. Prayers will be answered
FAILED Not specific enough. So vague that almost any incident could be interpreted as fulfillment and therefore the prophecy is worthless.

10. It will be the greatest year in the history of the church
FAILED Not specific enough. So vague that almost any incident could be interpreted as fulfillment and therefore the prophecy is worthless.

11. Islam is going to be in retreat.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Problem of Evil

Right-click on the picture
Then left-click on the "View Image" option
and left-click again to enlarge

Monday, 29 December 2014

Why Did Jesus Speak In Parables?

Whenever confronted with this question the Christian apologists always come up with the same sorts of answers. At the Got Questions website for example, we are told:
The Lord Jesus frequently used parables as a means of illustrating profound, divine truths. Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning.

And Dr. Richard J. Krejcir says: 
Jesus uses parables in edifying and instructing us ... He uses simple everyday illustrations, allegories, stories, and word pictures ... that people could understand and relate to

But the apologists are wrong. Jesus wasn't trying to help the audience by giving them stories that were easy to remember and understand. He was deliberately trying to keep them in the dark! Listen to what he says in Luke 8:9-10,
The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.

He deliberately used parables to ensure that only the select few would be saved while everyone else went to hell.

Friday, 26 December 2014

A Christmas Miracle

Veteran worship singer Joshua Mills recently spoke with CP Voice about his new album 'Christmas Miracle' and his desire to make people pay attention to God's miracles during the season.

This video contains the first two minutes of a seven minute interview by CP Voice (CP stands for Christian Post). During the interview Joshua Mills talks in cliches the whole time. He just strings words together with no regard for the truth. He says whatever pops into his head and doesn't even notice when he contradicts himself. He starts with this:
In recording the album, which took quite a few months, we just kept on having these things happen through the recording process that seemed like a miracle along the way. I guess we kind of joked about it like, 'Oh, that's a Christmas miracle.' We kept on saying that and all of a sudden I realized this whole album really is a Christmas miracle.
That's the very definition of gullibility. He kept on saying it was a Christmas miracle and after repeating the phrase many times he convinced himself that it really was a miracle!

Then he says:
I would like to bring the miracles back to Christmas...
Talk about delusions of grandeur. He says  he  wants to bring miracles back to Christmas. I thought the performance of miracles rested solely within god's bailiwick.

What comes next would have to be the most blatant example of Christian hypocrisy that I have heard during the 2014 Christmas season. Joshua Mills is sitting in a television studio, advertising his new Christmas album currently on sale to the general public, and he has the audacity to say:
I think sometimes Christmas becomes over commercialized...
But he would not have noticed the hypocrisy because he wasn't actually trying to convey any real information to his audience. He was merely repeating one of the standard cliches that Christians repeat every year at Christmas time. He said it because it's part of the Christian spiel. Everybody else says it, so he does too.

He went on to say:
Bringing the miracles back to Christmas just seems like a natural thing...
And here's me thinking that the one thing that made miracles stand apart from any other event was that they are NOT natural; they are supernatural.

Then the reporter asks:
What's one of the most amazing miracles that you've witnessed in your life?
And Mills replies:
Oh gosh, you know, I've seen a lot of people get healed, which has been tremendous miracles. I've seen a lot of people just get blessed in such unusual ways, so it would be hard to put my finger on anything, but I know that god is a miracle working god...
So he's got nothing! He says his life is chockablock full of miracles but as soon as he is asked to describe one, he fails to deliver. He's probably got all sorts of excuses for his failure to deliver, but I think he is just telling lies for Jesus.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Born On This Day (December 25th)

Ernst Ruska – Born 25 Dec 1906; died 27 May 1988
Invented the electron microscope.

Gerhard Herzberg – Born 25 Dec 1904; died 4 Mar 1999. 
Awarded the 1971 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Richard Shope – Born 25 Dec 1901; died 2 Oct 1966
The first person to isolate an influenza virus.

Adolf Windaus – Born 25 Dec 1876; died 9 Jun 1959.
Awarded the 1928 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Herman Frasch – Born 25 Dec 1851; died 1 May 1914.
Invented the Frasch Process for sulphur mining.

Claude Chappe – Born 25 Dec 1763; died 23 Jan 1805.
Invented the visual telegraph known as semaphore.

Sir Isaac Newton – Born 25 Dec 1642; died 20 Mar 1727.
Famous for his work on gravity, optics, laws of motion, and calculus.

And there was a famous religious person also born on December 25th. What was his name again? Oh that’s right…

William Gregor – Born 25 Dec 1761; died 11 Jun 1817.
English clergyman, chemist and minerologist who discovered titanium.

I don’t think I’ve missed anyone have I?

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Flash Mob

Christians in America love to pretend that they are the oppressed minority and that atheists are determined to stop them from celebrating Christmas in December each year. In fact the true believers even have a name for their paranoid silliness. They call it "The War on Christmas".

So the other day a group of Christians formed themselves into a "flash mob" and went down to the Rivertown Mall in Grandville, Michigan to sing "Amazing Grace".

Charisma News reporter, Jen Thompson, must have written her story in advance, however, because it bore no resemblance to what actually happened. She was apparently expecting atheists to complain to the mall management who would then be forced to send in their security officers to stop the Christian flash mob from singing the song. That didn't happen, but Jen Thompson went ahead and published her piece anyway.

She implied that atheists had tried to stop the performance (they didn't) and her headline read:
Atheists Couldn't Stop This Flash Mob
Then she quoted Ray Comfort who said:
The singing at the Rivertown Mall was video-taped, and it brought tears to my eyes. In the clip you can see people holding the tracts as they sing, and at the beginning security guards are walking through the crowd not knowing who to stop.

Comfort also said that his fellow Americans are "tired of whining atheists" and his flash mob was designed to "bring a bit of joy to the nation."

Luckily the whole thing was captured on video, so take a look at it now and watch out for those protesting atheists. Listen closely for all the whining. Keep an eye out for the angry crowd as it turns against the poor oppressed Christians. Look for the security men trying to stop them.

You will search in vain because none of those things happened. The whole story is just another example of Christians lying for Jesus. Here's the video:

As it happens, this is probably one of the most pathetic flash mobs I have ever seen. They all turned up long before the performance started and then stood around the balcony railing giving everyone advance warning that something was about to happen. Then, at the end, they remained where they were and applauded themselves! Even worse their performance was totally uncoordinated. Most of them didn't know the words and those that did know the words couldn't keep time with the music!

Here's what a proper flash mob looks like. They arrive out of nowhere, put on a spectacular performance, and then disappear as quickly as they arrived.

Here's another one:

Now go back and look at the miserable effort from the Christians at Rivertown. Compared to a real flash mob, their performance is just pathetic.

Flash Mob with Lyrics

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

The Christmas Story

In December each year the Christians start writing “Letters to the Editor” complaining that people have lost the true spirit of Christmas. Big business (they say) has turned it into a money-making racket and the hoi-poloi regard it as just another holiday; an excuse to throw a party and have a good time with not a thought for the baby Jesus lying in his manger. They encourage us to “remember Christmas for what it really is - the birthday of Jesus.”

The people who espouse those sentiments assume that they have found the truth; that they are getting back to basics and returning to their roots. They feel that they have rediscovered the true meaning of Christmas, but that is not the case.

Listen to Origen, a “Father” of the early Church who lived just a few generations after Jesus was born. He wrote, “In the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world”. A surprising statement that suggests we still have a lot to learn about the story of Christmas.

Probably the best idea would be to take a look at one of those nativity scenes that pop up all over the place in December each year. The people who design them will understandably use a degree of artistic license, so we don't expect every nativity scene to be exactly the same. Neither do we expect every Christian to remember all of the details about all of the characters depicted. Regarding the basic story, however, there will be no debate:

There is a stable, of course, filled with “heavenly” light, and centre-front we can see the baby Jesus, lying in a manger and flanked by his doting parents, Mary and Joseph. Three kings from the east have tethered their camels outside the stable and they kneel before the manger, offering gifts to the newborn child. The humble circumstances of the holy family are emphasised by the sight of the ox and the ass inside the stable. Also fussing around and about are the two midwives who assisted Mary during her labour - and the shepherds, of course, peeping shyly through the doorway while their sheep graze nearby.

Almost every Christian on the planet would be aware of these facts, and the more educated among them would be able to provide even more information about that first Christmas. They would know, for instance, that Joseph was 89 years old, while Mary was little more than a teenager. They would know that the midwives were named Zalom and Salome; that Zalom was the first to recognise that Mary was a virgin; that Salome did not believe, and her arm was instantly “withered”.

These educated Christians would also know quite a lot about the three kings from the east: Melchior, king of Persia, an old man with white hair and a flowing beard who offers a gift of gold symbolising Christ's kingship; Casper, king of India, a clean-shaven young man who offers a gift of frankincense symbolising prayer, and Balthazza, king of Arabia, a middle-aged man with dark hair and a short beard who offers a gift of myrrh symbolising the bitterness of Christ's death on the cross.

But wait. Let's not just accept what people tell us. Let's go back to the bible and find out what it has to say about the birth of Christ.

According to Matthew (chapter 2), “there came wise men from the east...and when they were come unto the house, they saw the young child...and they presented him with gifts; gold, frankincense and myrrh.”

In the second chapter of Luke we are told that Mary “brought forth her first born son...and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.” Then an angel appeared before some shepherds “and the glory of the Lord shone round about them.” The shepherds left the fields and went to Bethlehem where they “found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.”

And that's it! No ox. No ass. No midwives. No withered arm. No hint of the ages of Mary and Joseph. Not even a stable - Jesus was born in a “house”. And “wise men from the east.” Were they kings? Were there three of them? Did they arrive on camels? The bible doesn’t say. No names. No physical descriptions. No mention of their countries of origin. No mention of who brought which gift, and no hint of what those gifts symbolised.

OK - so the Christians have added some fanciful details to their Christmas story, but at least we know when Jesus was born, don't we? It was December 25th in the year “zero”, right? 

Wrong! In the first place, there was no year zero, because our calendar goes directly from 1BC to 1AD, but more surprisingly, there is no biblical reference to December 25th as the birthday of Jesus. The New Testament authors give us very few hints about the timing of the Nativity and what they do tell us, leads to the startling conclusion that the Nativity could have occurred in any one of four different years.

Matthew (2:1) says Jesus was born while Herod was King of Judea and, since Herod ruled from 37BC to 4BC, it is clear that the Nativity occurred during this period. Probably in about 6BC because Matthew (2:19-21) says that Jesus was still an infant when Herod died.

In Luke (2:2), however, we are told that Jesus was born at the time of the census when Quirinius was Governor of Syria - and the historical record shows that this occurred in 6AD.

But the same Luke also tells us (in Luke 3:1-23) that John started baptising “in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,” when Jesus was “about thirty”. That 15th year was 29AD, which means that Jesus was born in about 1BC.

But when we turn to John 8:57 we discover that the Jews said to Jesus, "Thou art not yet fifty years old.” It’s a fairly vague statement, but surely they’ve got to be talking about someone over forty (and probably closer to forty-five), in which case Jesus could have been born as early as 15BC.

And the contradictions don’t end there. Matthew tells us that on the same day that the wise men came to the house where Jesus was born, Joseph packed up his family and fled into Egypt, where they stayed “until the death of Herod”. Luke, however, tells a completely different story. He says the holy family spent eight days in Bethlehem before going to the temple in Jerusalem “to perform the ceremony of purification” and, having done so, “they returned to their hometown of Nazareth in Galilee.” No mention of a journey into Egypt.

[Christian apologists overcome the problem by “harmonising” the gospels: They say the family spent eight days in Bethlehem (Luke), went to Jerusalem for the ceremony (Luke), and then fled into Egypt (Matthew). They remained there until the death of Herod (Matthew) and finally, several years after his birth, Jesus arrived in Nazareth for the first time (Luke). That’s what the apologists tell us; it’s not what the bible says.]

So which is the true story? Which is the lie? If it is a lie, why is it in the bible? These questions, of course, are purely rhetorical. It is obvious that the Christmas story is not based on fact - it is a myth.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Eight Children Murdered by Mother

The 37-year-old mother of seven of the eight children found dead in a Cairns home yesterday has been arrested for murder.

Cairns Detective Inspector Bruno Asnicar said the mother, who was found yesterday with chest and neck wounds, was lucid and awake and speaking with police.

The bodies of eight children were found following what was believed to be a multiple stabbing on Friday morning.

The children, aged from 18 months to 14 years, were found in Murray Street, Manoora, where the 37-year-old woman was also located.

"The 37-year-old mother of several of the children involved in this incident has been arrested for murder overnight and is currently under police guard at the Cairns Base Hospital," he said.

We'll probably have to wait a while before we hear the details, but I will go out on a limb and say that this murderess is a fanatical Christian who decided her children were too good for this world, and so she sent them to live with Jesus in heaven.

A normal person (including normal Christians) could never commit such an awful crime. A person might suddenly lose their temper; lash out, and kill somebody but they would not have the mental capacity to kill another,
and another,
and another,
and another,
and another,
and another,
and another.
They would be so overcome by the sheer horror of their actions, they would simply have to stop; they would unable to continue.

But a fanatical Christian is capable of horrendous acts in the name of Jesus. A fanatical Christian has the capacity to kill, and kill, and go on killing until their self-appointed mission is complete. Fanatical Christians have heard the bible stories and they know that death solves all problems. They know that every time god gets annoyed with someone he kills them. It might be:
an individual (Lot's wife);
a married couple (Ananias and Sapphira);
a family (Job's wife and children);
a city (Gomorrah);
a tribe (the Amalekites),
or a whole planet (Earth at the time of Noah), 
But the rule is clear: when god gets stroppy, people have to die!

With those examples taken directly from their very own holy book, the fanatical Christian has no qualms about killing anyone for any reason that takes their fancy - did not god kill an old man for nothing more than picking up sticks on the sabbath? 

So the fanatical Christian becomes convinced that killing people is merely to do god's work - and the more you kill, the more god will praise you for your courage and tenacity.

Update 24th December, 2014
The 37-year-old Cairns mother accused of murdering eight children had recently turned to religion and banned technology from her home.

Raina Mersane Ina Thaiday, who remains under police guard in hospital, had taken to giving fiery sermons in the street and had cut the power to her home and threw away the television, neighbours told News Corp.

She warned locals not to use their mobile phones because they were the "work of the Devil" and posted a handwritten sign on a front window of her public housing home that read: "No alcohol, cigarette, and drunken people allowed in this area".

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Rebecca Hamilton blogging as 'Public Catholic'

Christian blogger, Rebecca Hamilton posted this nonsense on her 'Public Catholic' blog in November 2014: 
Christians, unlike their critics, build hospitals and schools, go on missions to help those in need where help is needed. Christians donate massive amounts of money to aid those in need. They run toward disasters, rather than away from them, to give aid and comfort.

When Moore Oklahoma was devastated by a tornado a couple of years ago, a carful of Christian women in New Jersey took up a donation of money, food and other aid and drove to Oklahoma to deliver it. I know about this because they came to our church to find a way to connect with victims. The gym at our parish was “home” to Christian young people who came to help with the clean-up and stayed all summer working on it.

These people were not paid for their efforts. No one asked them to do it. They simply responded to need because that is what Our Lord told them to do.

In all these things, the difference is Jesus.

I left this comment:
You are saying that people who criticize Christians have never built hospitals or schools, and have never helped those in need. I find that hard to believe.
It was deleted within minutes! I expected that would happen, so I saved a screenshot of the page before it disappeared (see below). 

Friday, 19 December 2014

Fun With Figures

Have you ever heard employers trying to convince the government to give them a tax break or a special grant to cover the cost of training new employees. During times of high unemployment, for example, the government will be keen to find new jobs for the citizens and that's when the employers pounce. They point out that it costs (say) $10,000 to train up a new employee and many of those new employees will leave after only a few weeks on the job - which means the employer has to waste another $10,000 training-up another newbie.

Under normal circumstances we don't hear much about training costs, but when the government is begging employers to create new jobs the employers say, "Well gee, Mr Government Man, we'd sure as hell like to help you out, but it costs us $10,000 just to train-up a new guy, so how about you kicking in a few dollars to help defray that expense?" And the government might offer to pay the employer $5,000 for each new person they hire. The incentive will usually be paid in increments: $500 upon hiring, another $1,500 after the new guy has been in the job for three months and $3,000 more after six months.

So you turn up to start your first day at your new job and the the employer takes $10,000 out of the 'company account' and puts it into the 'training new employees account'. This money is being set aside to cover the costs that will be incurred during your first year on the job. If you are in Australia (where I live) in an industry with a strong union, then those costs will include fourteen public holidays, six weeks annual leave, ten days sick pay (and other things I can't really think of at the moment). In Australia the average weekly pay is about $1,000 so these 'training costs' will add-up to about ten thousand dollars.

But what happens if you don't like the job and decide to leave after just a few weeks? Well the employer takes the $10,000 out of the training account (because not one cent of it has been used so far) and puts it back into the company account alongside the $500 incentive he has already received from the government. "Not bad," says the employer, "I made $500 profit on that deal. Let's hope the next guy leaves just as quickly."


OK, it never works out as neatly as I have described it here, and the rules change from year to year, but rest assured; the employers don't spend much cash on training new employees. Remember too, that in most jobs the worker starts producing items on the very first day - and those items can be immediately sold for a profit so any training costs are quickly recovered. The new worker doesn't really cost the employer anything; the new worker is making money for the employer from day one.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

God Doesn't Believe In Atheists

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 15 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. His shocking book, ISLAM: America's Trojan Horse!; Christian Resistance: An Idea Whose Time Has Come–Again!; and The God Haters are all available at

He writes:
Angry, audacious, asinine atheists profess loudly to all who will listen–even to those who won’t–that God does not exist. They are especially overbearing and offensive even obnoxious during the Christmas season. Atheists also do not believe in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Peter Pan but they do not try to convince others of their non-existence. However, I don’t believe in atheists and neither does God. The Bible clearly teaches that God loves the world and wants everyone to place faith in Him to guarantee forgiveness of sins and a place in Heaven. Atheists don’t exist because God will not permit it.

So I had a quick rummage through my bible and found that Dr Boys is wrong: God, Jesus, Moses, Paul, the gospel authors and the Old Testament prophets all believe in atheists and actually have quite a lot to say about them:

(All quotes come from the English Standard version ESV)

The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4)

And he marveled because of their unbelief. (Mark 6:6)

If any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. (1 Corinthians 7:12)

And the Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me (Numbers 14:11)

Whoever does not believe is condemned already (John 3:18)

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. (Psalm 14:1)

Have mercy on those who doubt (Jude 1:22)

If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me (John 10:37)

Whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:16)

Whoever is not with me is against me (Matthew 12:30)

In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, “There is no God.” (Psalm 10:4)

If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. (1 Corinthians 7:13)

The exulting of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless but for a moment (Job 20:5)

Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. (John1:9)

He has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Timothy 5:8)

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. (2 Corinthians 6:14)

What portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? (2 Corinthians 6:15)

Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart (Hebrews 3:12)

Dr Boys also writes:
Atheists also do not believe in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Peter Pan but they do not try to convince others of their non-existence.
This is my response:

Christians often ask why atheists care so much about religion. They point out that atheists don't believe in Santa Claus, or pixies, or the Tooth Fairy, but they don't continually harp on the subject - so why do they get so worked-up about god? If they don't believe in god then why does it bother them so much?

Well the people who believe in Santa Claus, or pixies, or the Tooth Fairy, are not going door-to-door trying to convert others to their way of thinking. They are not lobbying Government to impose laws that will make life difficult for those who do not believe. They are not asking Government to give them tax-breaks while everyone else has to pay. They are not asking that science classes should include pixies as possible explanations for natural events. They are not asking that all children pray to the Tooth Fairy before the start of each school day. They are not demanding that our courts dole out sentences in accordance with pixie law. Santa Claus believers and Tooth Fairy followers don't do those things - but religious people do.


And there is one other reason why atheists care about Christian behaviour: Many Christians believe they have the ability to heal their children with prayer and refuse to provide medical assistance for the youngsters. The children die agonizing deaths and the parents don't lift a finger to help them; they just sit at the bedside and pray!

Even worse, when their children finally die, these Christian sadists actually boast about the strength of their faith. Check out the front cover and page 2 of the Jehovah Witness 'Awake' magazine where Christians gloat about the number of children who died because their woefully inadequate parents refused to provide the medical assistance that would have eased their pain and saved their lives.

That's why atheists care about Christianity. It is a religion that turns its followers into uncaring monster who are prepared to let their children die, just so they can strut into church the next Sunday morning and boast to their fellow believers about the strength of their faith. (Too bad the kid died, but hey, look at me!)

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Catholic Priest Seeks Massage With Happy Ending

A couple of years ago a priest named Bernard McGarty couldn't resist taking a sly dig at atheists. In an article he wrote for the La Crosse Tribune he asked:
What if La Crosse had been settled exclusively by atheists? What would La Crosse be like today?
He came up quite a list:
  • All of the outdoor lighting of private homes in the city and countryside would be dark
  • The symphony would not have a theater with perfect acoustics
  • Any of the religious music of Mendelssohn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Bach, Bizet and Verdi would be offensive to atheist ears.
  • If all citizens were atheist, there would be no Christmas presents
  • No Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
  • No Mayo Clinic Health System-Franciscan Healthcare
  • No Viterbo University
  • No Luther High School
  • No Aquinas High School
  • No Lutheran or Catholic Social Service
  • No YWCA
  • No YMCA

He came up with much more than that, and concluded by asking the question:
Are atheists getting a free ride on we believers?

At the time we atheists were laughing because Bernard McGarty provided a list of composers whose music (he said) the non-believers would find offensive because those composers were Christians. But he included Verdi on the list - and Verdi was famously atheistic. He resisted all attempts by family members who tried to convert him or convince him to regard himself as an agnostic rather than an atheist.
Giuseppe Verdi: 
Translate his name into English and you've got "Joe Green"

Now, two years later, Bernard McGarty has appeared in another La Crosse Tribune article; this time as a sexual pervert! He popped into the local massage parlor and late in the proceedings he lifted the towel from his crutch and asked the woman to play with his cock.

He was fined $250.

He called the masseuse a bitch.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Vince Vitale Tries To Solve The Problem Of Evil

A U.K-based Christian apologist has penned a new book dealing with suffering and why God allows it to continue in the world.

Vince Vitale, senior tutor at the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics in Oxford, England, recently penned the book, Why Suffering?: Finding Meaning and Comfort When Life Doesn't Make Sense, with theologian Ravi Zacharias in order to challege the most common assumptions Christians make about suffering.

In an interview with The Christian Post, Vitale shared some of the points he makes in the book about why suffering exists and how it shapes the world we live in.

My comments in red:
"We picture ourselves in this world with all this suffering. Then we picture ourselves in a very different world with no suffering, or with far less suffering, and we think: Shouldn't God have made me in that other world? And the assumption that we usually don't think through is that it's very likely it would not have been you or me who could have existed in that other world," he said.

"And so, I think sometimes when we understandably wish for a very different sort of world, we're unwittingly wishing ourselves out of existence," Vitale asserted.

A world with absolutely no suffering would include drastic changes to our psychology, biology, the laws of nature and the way that we function. A world where many aspects of our existence are altered might give birth to a completely different breed or being, according to Vitale.
So far all he has done is point out that if the world was different, we wouldn't be here. Can't argue with him on that point, but he hasn't even started to address the Problem of Evil. 

To illustrate his point about how people sometimes fantacize that their lives could've been better off if, for instance, their mother had married a different man, Vitale shared a story about his parents' dating relationship before they were married.

"My parents were on their second date and they were standing on the Brooklyn Bridge and my dad noticed a ring on my mom's finger and he asked about it. My mom said, 'It's just some ring one of my old boyfriends gave to me; I just wear it because I think it looks nice.' So my dad said, 'It's nice, let me see it.' So my mom took it off, handed it to my dad, and [he] threw it off the bridge," he recalled.

"What if my mom had thought: 'This guy's crazy, I need to run back with the old boyfriend.' I might be tempted to think that could have been better off for me. Maybe the old boyfriend would have been taller, better looking or would have had more money. But if I think that way, I think I'm thinking incorrectly, because I'm assuming that it would still be me who existed in that different scenario," Vitale emphasized.

He explained that his mother could've had a different child that might've been better off, but it wouldn't have been him. The story illustrates how many people view suffering and the possibility of it not existing.
Still not one word explaining the Problem of Evil. As for the business about the spectacular odds that had to be overcome in order for him to have been born - his mother and father meeting, breaking up, getting married, or going their separate ways - well that is all very interesting, but that has always been the case for every person who was ever born. And despite what he says in that last sentence, his story definitely does not illustrate how people view suffering. How could it? 
"If throwing a ring off of a bridge could be enough to change who my mom winds up marrying, and therefore whether or not I come to exist, if changing the world so radically that we remove all the suffering from it were to occur, I think that raises the question of whether or not it would have been me or you who would have come to exist?" he asked.
Actually, if you are looking for the millions-to-one odds that you would ever be born, you need only consider the moment of conception when millions of male sperm swim towards the female egg. Dozens of those sperm actually reach the egg and burrow into it and eventually one of them breaks through and all the other sperm die immediately. If that one sperm out of millions had not been the first to break through then you would not have been born. Even if it was 100% guaranteed that your parents would be married and have a child, the odds are still millions-to-one against you being born in this world (or any other world). It all depends which sperm reaches the egg first - and believe me, every one of those sperm is battling hard to win that race. (And still not a word explaining the Problem of Evil.)

Vitale added that he believes suffering is a result of "free decisions of free beings," but admits to wondering why God would allow it to continue to exist throughout the ages.
"Once free beings make a choice, once the world has fallen into a broken state, why would God allow that to continue?" Vitale asked. "And I wonder if one of the reasons why God might allow that to continue is if it allowed for a world in which certain people would come to exist."
At this point Vitale is preparing to absolve his god from all blame regarding human suffering. Notice how he carefully avoids the subject of suffering caused by natural events like earthquakes and volcanoes, and concentrates on things like 'free decisions of free beings'. He does so because he is trying to shift responsibility away from god and onto humans. In other words, he is preparing to blame the victims for any suffering they have to endure

Vitale also addressed free will in human beings and if the concept could actually exist without the suffering that sometimes comes from their bad decisions. Some free decisions do not bring suffering, such as choosing which color shirt to wear, or deciding not to see a movie on Tuesday night. However, if God only allowed for that amount of free will, it might also lead to limited freedom for His creation, according to Vitale.
"When we start to talk about meaningful freedom, the freedom to either step into relationship or to step out of relationship, I don't think you could get that sort of freedom without there being the possibility of suffering," Vitale asserted.
Vitale is being very cute at this stage. His 'free will' examples include things like deciding which shirt to wear, or deciding to step into, or out of, a relationship. Like I said; all very cute, but let me show you exactly where this mealy-mouthed Christian apologist is attempting to lead us.

As long as we allow him to do so, Vitale will try to keep the discussion at the level of wardrobe malfunctions or the sadness felt at the end of a relationship, but I want to use a much more dramatic situation. One that involves the sort of suffering we should be talking about during any discussion on the Problem of Evil.

Suppose a young thug is violently attacking a weaker victim. Vitale will say that god has given free will to mankind and if some people use their free will to cause harm to others, well that is the fault of mankind, not god. But what if a passerby came across the thug during the assault and refused to do anything to help the victim? Would we call that person good? No we would not. 

Well god had the opportunity to help the victim, but he refused to do so. Can we call god good? No we cannot.

And while Vitale doesn't say so, it is easily understood that his god respects only the free will of the attacker. The attacker is saying, "I want to use my free will to inflict pain on my victim" and his free will is granted. Meanwhile the victim is attempting to use his free will to get away from the attacker, but god never grants the victim's wishes. God always sides with the attacker! How the hell does that work?

"If God wanted to create beings that He could be in a loving relationship with, they would have to be free beings, because that's what it means to be in a loving relationship — for both parties to have made a free choice to be committed to each other."
Here is Vitale again, still pretending that his free will defense for god is all about loving relationships and commitment to each other. He dare not tell his readers that the true purpose of the free will defense is to absolve god from responsibility when he fails to help innocent victims escape their attackers. 

Vitale emphasized that he doesn't think God could allow for that "great good" without giving people the ability to say "no" to a relationship with Him or others.
Except if you are the innocent victim - then god will not listen when you say "no".

Monday, 15 December 2014

War On Christmas

Luke 2:16 says the wise men saw Jesus lying in a 'manger'. A manger is an animal food bin about the same size as a baby's cradle. It seems that Mary and Joseph were not fully prepared when Jesus was born so they cleaned up an old food bin and took it into their house where they used it as a makeshift cradle until they could get themselves better organised.

If you look at the picture in the article (above) you will see that the wise men are certainly observing baby Jesus lying in a manger - but they are at a stable! 

Somehow the Christians have got it wrong because Matthew 2:11 clearly states that the wise men went into a "house" to see Jesus. Look through the bible for as long as you like, but nowhere will you find any mention of Jesus being born in a stable. That is just one of the many myths that have been added to the Jesus story long after the New Testament was put together in its current form.


We should first understand that it is illegal for government departments to give privilege to religious organisations. It is therefore against the law to allow a Christian nativity scene to be erected on the Courthouse Square while all other organisations are prevented from doing something similar - yet the article tells us that,
Brookville has presented a Nativity scene for Christmas for the last 50 years ... The scene sits on the Franklin County Courthouse square.
So the Brookville County Commission has been breaking the law for the last fifty years.

But that doesn't concern the local Christians who have been enjoying their privileged status for those fifty years. The privileged Christians say that it has become traditional to break the law and they want the practice to continue. Local resident, Wayne Monroe says,
I don’t think anybody else should tell us what to do.
In effect, he is saying that if he can get away with breaking the law for a long time, then he should be forgiven and allowed to continue breaking the law for as long as he likes!

Monroe also says:
If people don’t like the look of it I think they can look the other way, or don’t look at all.
So if he sees someone committing a crime he doesn't think of trying to stop it, or report it to the police. He solves the problem by averting his eyes until the criminals have got away to freedom (and then probably congratulates himself for his bravery and morality!)

Scott McDonough complains that the lawbreaking Christians are being bullied by those who are trying to have the law upheld. He advises potential lawbreakers to,
Stop letting them bully you.
(Unless, I assume, the criminals are stealing his stuff; in which case he will immediately call on them to cease and desist.)

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Another Catholic Priest Comes A Gutser

Solomon Bandiho - Catholic Priest
Holy Cross Catholic Church
1244 South Power Road
Mesa, Arizona 85206

Solomon Bandiho is a priest at the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mesa, Arizona. He seems to be at the bottom of the pecking order and his fellow priests have saddled him with the task of begging the parishioners for more money. In his last begging letter a few weeks ago he start off all poetic:
Dear Parishioners,
As summer turns to fall, nature reminds us of the generosity and provision of God with the splendor of changing colors and the bountiful harvest reaped from gardens and fields.
But then he got down to the serious business of shaming members of the flock who hadn't been quite as generous he wanted them to be: 
We have approximately 4,000 registered families, yet records show that only about 1,600 families make any kind of regular monetary contribution.
First he challenged the non-payers to shape up or ship out:
A challenge! While the Bible teaches us to give sacrificially, allow me to make the following specific challenges: For the 2400 families that we have no record of any contributions, kindly think of contributing to support the parish by using either envelopes, electronic or credit cards. 
Then he tackled the people who were already handing over their cash; demanding that they should increase their donations:
For those 1600 families that are donating currently, when was the last time you increased your weekly donation? Will you give more? I challenge you to increase your weekly donation by a sacrificial amount!
And being a Catholic priest, he couldn't resist paying special attention to the kiddies:
Parents, are you teaching your children to give a certain percentage of their allowance to the parish? For those who can, begin using automatic contributions from your credit card / bank accounts. This way of giving is safe and convenient. But if electronic and credit card giving is not an option, please make sure that you contribute regularly through envelopes, whether you attend or not.
(See edit below for an update about this link)

Then, having convinced the children to give him their money, he decided it would be nice if they would give him their bodies as well. He got onto the internet and organised a sexual encounter with a sixteen year old girl; offering her $60 if she let him fuck her. The girl agreed and soon the Catholic priest was knocking on her front door - only to discover it was a police sting operation and the cops were already there waiting for him.

Oh boy, what a performance! He kicked and screamed and became so violent that he had to be tased before the police could get him under control.

This is his mugshot after the arrest. He doesn't look quite as happy as he did in the photo when he was writing his begging letter.

All the details here:

Edit: Since writing this story the Catholic Church has removed all traces of Solomon Bandiho from its website and the webcache link (above) no longer points to Bandiho's begging letter so I've added the following screenshot of the original page.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

The Poor Will Always Be With You

During an interview with the Washington Post, Rick Perry (Governor of Texas) was asked about the growing gap between rich and poor, and the lack of services for the poor and underprivileged in Texas. Perry replied:
"Biblically, the poor are always going to be with us in some form or fashion."

In that reply he was referring to a story in Mark 14:7 where Jesus says:  
"The poor you will always have with you"  

Perry was implying that there was not much he could do about the problem because, like the bible says, no matter how wealthy our society, there will always be some people who remain poor and we've just got to grin and bear it. It's all part of god's master plan.

You've probably heard other Christians use the same text to extricate themselves from the challenge, in Matthew 19:21, to "sell all you have and give to the poor." The Christians point out that god doesn't really want them to sell everything because the problem of the poor is ongoing and insoluble. After all, as Jesus says, "The poor you will always have with you" and there's not much you can do about it.

But now take a look at the whole story as told by Mark:

Notice that footnote [b] tells us that Jesus is referring to a message in Deuteronomy 15:11; a message that came directly from god to Moses,
For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’

So in this original text, god (via Moses) says the poor will always be with us, and therefore we must always help them - and we must do so generously and open-handedly.

Later, In Mark 14:7, when Jesus says, "The poor will always be with you," he didn't have to finish the message because the message was instantly clear to everyone who heard him. They knew Jesus was quoting directly from Deuteronomy 15:11. They knew he wasn't saying that we must simply accept that the poor shall always be with us. They knew he wasn't saying the poor should be written off as collateral damage. They knew Jesus was actually telling them that there would always be poor people and we should never, ever, forget them or ignore them. Instead we should always help them - and help them generously.

Rick Perry (and most other Christians) have got it completely arse-about-face!

Friday, 12 December 2014

The Exodus Scientifically Explained?
(I Don't Think So)

Carl Drew has written a paper in which he says, 

"I’m arguing that the historical event happened in 1250 B.C., and the memories of it have been recorded in Exodus."
The paper describes a coastal effect called a “wind setdown,” in which strong winds -- a little over 60 miles per hour -- create a "push" on coastal water which, in one location, creates a storm surge. But in the location from which the wind pushes -- in this case, the east -- the water moves away.
"Did the parting of the sea really happen? We will never know ... But Carl Drews has used impeccable science to show both where and how it may have happened." 

I can't understand why Christians would like to see the events of the Exodus explained away as natural events. The whole point of the story is that god performed miracles to save his chosen people.

Anyway, here's my take on the story:

The bible mentions 600,000 men, so if you add in their wives, and children, there were probably three million Israelites ready to make the crossing.

Exodus 13:18 describes their departure with the Hebrew word חָמַשׁ which means "in ranks of five". If there was one or two yards between each rank, the column would have been about 400 miles long.

The people would have had to travel at 100 miles per hour if those in the last rank were to get over the crossing point during the four hours it remained open - and they had to do so while struggling against a head wind of 63 miles per hour!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Christians Just Want To Have Fun

What could be more fun than dancing on the graves of millions of innocents killed by Ken Ham's inappropriately named 'god of love'.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

How's this for "spin"

Three prisoners are tortured to the point where they can take no more and decide to escape any further pain by committing suicide - and the torturer declares their suicide to be an act of war against America!
...accounts by four guards who had served at Guantanamo ... said prisoners were taken one at a time to the camp, where they were believed to be interrogated. He believes that the three detainees that DOD announced as having committed suicide were questioned under enhanced interrogation techniques the night of their deaths.

On 10 June 2006 three detainees were found dead, who, according to the Pentagon, "killed themselves in an apparent suicide pact." Prison commander Rear Admiral Harry Harris claimed this was not an act of desperation, despite prisoners' pleas to the contrary, but rather "an act of asymmetric warfare committed against us."

Land of the free. Home of the brave.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

My Cat Is Psychic

When I get up up in the morning my cat always jumps off the bed and runs towards his food bowl - unless I'm only getting up for a piss, in which case he stays on the bed and waits. How does he know? He must be psychic? There can't be any other explanation!

Monday, 8 December 2014

Pastor Russ Gabel - Telling Lies For Jesus

Pastor Russ Gabel of Freewater Experience ministries started preaching religion at the White Pines Middle School in April 2014:
I just got home from our first day of Freewater Club at White Pines Middle School, and I was SO EXCITED, I just had to tell you guys how it went!!!

In A lunch, we had 23 kids, with only a few empty seats in the classroom. We played trivia games, did some skits, I told a story, and we ended the meeting with a quick prayer...that's right...A PRAYER. The kids had a blast, and I think it will keep growing after spring break.

In B lunch, I kids. I'm not sure what happened here, but I had to choose one of two hallways to stand in to remind kids. I think I chose the wrong one. Many kids that I know from our lunchroom ministry are in the other hallway, so I'll try that next time around. I am not easily discouraged.

In C lunch, we had 27 kids, and packed the room that we met in. We did the same stuff as A-lunch, and the kids said that had an awesome time. I think we're going to outgrow this room in no time. recap...
We had full-blow youth group style meeting with games, a lesson, and prayer...FOR 50 KIDS IN SCHOOL TODAY!
I am beyond excited about this. I'm going to start developing a team of people to do these meetings with me, and keep growing them. Praise God for an awesome Freewater Club kick-off!!!

When local residents complained about his illegal activities he simply contradicted everything he had said earlier:
“We don't have faith-based content,” Gabel said. “We don't read Bible verses. We don't pray at the clubs. We are very conscious to not cross lines. We teach character and challenge the kids to serve and make a difference in the world around them.”

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Sink Holes

You can skip to the movie at the bottom of this post if you want to. This first part is just background information about sinkhole formation.

Here's how sinkholes work:

click to enlarge

This next diagram shows the various types of sinkholes that are likely to appear in different areas of the planet:

click to enlarge

The whole process might take ten or twelve thousand years, but all we see is the last few minutes when the surface finally gives way and drops to the bottom of the hole.

There is nothing new about sinkholes - they have been appearing throughout history. Some are so old they have jungles growing in them:

And this one (Lake Tulane in Florida USA) was formed 60,000 years ago:

In some areas they are so common you will probably drive past three or four of them on your way to work:

In fact they are so common that geologists have drawn up world maps showing where sinkholes are likely to appear; how big they might be, and how often they can be expected to appear:

click to enlarge

Now listen to these two Christians as they pretend to know what is really going on:

The basic gist of their message is this:
(1) We've been hearing a lot about sinkholes recently.
(2) We don't know how they work.
(3) Therefore we do know that god sent them as a warning of the end times. 
Preachers like this just make me sick. By their own admission they know absolutely nothing about sinkholes, yet they have the audacity to tell their audience that they really do know what is going on: it's an oogedy-boogedy sign from god! Next thing they'll be telling us that Jesus walked on water! (And who knows; their ratbag followers will probably believe that as well.)

Go back to the video and listen again to the clown on the left when he says,
These sinkholes are happening in urban areas. They're not happening in the countryside so much, but only in urban areas.
And less than twenty seconds later he contradicts himself by saying,
It seems to be happening everywhere. It's not just one particular area in the world.

These guys are predicting that Jesus is about to return to earth, but I have an alternate prediction:

I predict the two preachers will spend their whole life waiting for Jesus to return but he will never arrive. They will go to their deathbed knowing that they got it wrong. They expected to see Jesus, and Jesus didn't turn up.

We'll have to wait a while, but let's see whose prediction comes true. I think mine will. What do you think?

[The thing that really pisses off Christians is that they know that I am right. They desperately want me to be wrong, and they fervently pray that Jesus will soon return, but realistically, deep down in their hearts, they just know it's never going to happen in their lifetime.]

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Are You Surprised?

Did you hear about the Muslim terrorist who was determined to kill a Christian  for the "glory of Allah"? He sat outside the local Christian church in his SUV and waited until the service ended and the parishioners began to leave. Then he drove forward and jammed a young boy up against another car. The boy's legs were severed and he died in the scene. 

That's the version most Christians expect to hear. This is the real story:

Devastated family, friends and schoolmates of a 15-year-old boy killed in a horrific hit-and-run car crash that is being investigated as a hate crime gathered for his funeral on Saturday.

A large community of Somali Muslims in Kansas City, Missouri, is still in shock after the boy died on Thursday evening, when a man appeared to deliberately drive his vehicle into him as he was leaving a local mosque.

Abdisamad Sheikh-Hussein, 15, almost had his legs severed when a man whom locals said had been harassing the community with anti-Islamic taunts and violent threats apparently swerved his car and ploughed into the boy.

Ahmed Aden, 34, a local Somali of Christian faith, appeared in court the following day, charged with first-degree murder and other crimes.